Urgent care provision has recently expanded in England, resulting in patients struggling to choose appropriate services. A study has identified the different types of work they do in making a decision
NIHR Summaries
Our NIHR Summaries section contains short overviews of research addressing the key questions in workforce and health and care systems. They are reproduced in partnership with the National Institute for Health Research.
Evaluating the evidence: are Magnet hospitals better for staff and patients?
Magnet hospitals demonstrate better staff wellbeing and patient outcomes than non-Magnet hospitals, but reviews have not shown evidence of general benefit
What difference have safe-staffing policies made to NHS hospitals?
A research project has examined how safe staffing policies have been implemented locally by trusts to improve patient safety
Measles vaccine is safe if given to infants under nine months of age
An NIHR Alert summarised the findings of a meta-analysis investigating the effectiveness of giving the measles vaccine to at-risk infants under nine months of age
Taking blood pressure medications at bedtime seems optimum
A large Spanish trial found that taking blood pressure medication at bedtime reduces the risk of a cardiovascular outcome
Increasing the diagnosis of delirium using a rapid screening tool
A study funded by the NIHR found that a rapid screening tool to detect delirium is a practical tool for initial assessment in time-pressured environments
Treating asymptomatic MRSA on discharge reduces risk of infection
Researchers in the US found that, in a large sample of asymptomatic carriers of MRSA, decontamination for six months after hospital discharge reduced the risk of later infection
Getting patients up and moving shortens length of hospital stay
A meta-analysis of 13 studies shows that encouraging medical inpatients to get out of bed and mobilise improves their walking ability and reduces their length of stay in hospital
Use of peer support to prevent readmission after mental health crisis
A large trial funded by the National Institute for Health Research found that peer support after discharge from mental health crisis team care reduced readmissions to acute mental health care
Timing of referral for hospice-based palliative care varies nationwide
A large retrospective study by the National Institute for Health Research has found nationwide variation in the timing of referral to hospice care. Older people were referred closer to death than younger people