Latest respiratory clinical practice

Country prepares for last ‘clap for carers’ to take place tonight at 8pm


The so-called “clap for carers”, which has become a fixture of Thursday evenings for many during the Covid-19 crisis, is set to take place for the last time tonight at 8pm. The weekly social event, that has seen people stand at gates, windows, and balconies to clap or bang a…

How should the role of the nurse change in response to Covid-19?


Covid-19 mitigation strategies must be inclusive of vulnerable groups and ensure existing inequities are reduced rather than exacerbated. Nurses play a crucial role in this process. This article comes with a handout for a journal club discussion

Guidance on acute myocardial injury


NICE has issued rapid clinical guidance on identifying and treating acute myocardial injury in patients with known or suspected Covid-19  
