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The largest Open Finance dataset

The Global Open Finance Index leverages insights gained from more than 400 Open Banking and Open Finance experts across 23 markets and is backed up by more than 150 secondary datapoints from partners including the World Bank, the IMF and Dealroom

"...required reading..."

Our thanks to those who have supported us along the way: 

The University of Oxford, Accenture, NatWest, the Department for International Trade, Innovate Finance, the World Bank and many more.

“The capacity of this report to bring into focus the pace of change across the world is why it should be considered required reading for anyone with an interest in the space.”
Andrew Bowie MP
Minister for Exports, UK Government

Our Findings

The UK is leading the world with both implementation and adoption of Open Banking, but there is fast-moving group of countries not far behind.

3 drivers of adoption

Awareness and adoption are closely linked but are driven by other market characteristics

Breadth and ambition of regulation

  • Mandates drive adoption
  • Regulation works to diversify use cases
  • Public digital infrastructure acts as an accelerant

Ecosytem and collaboration

  • Prescriptive standards aid collaboration
  • Collaboration between fintech and institutions is key to at-scale adoption
  • Quality of collaboration is closely linked to increased fintech investment

Trust and security

  • Markets with high adoption see collaboration outside of mandated regulatory scopes
  • Open Banking and Open Finance have to find a way to thrive beyond the mandate for many key use cases

Government support alters market characteristics 

Markets studied fell into one of three categories. Neutral governments offered no support to the ecosytem. Supportive governments mandated data access and / or invested in public digital infrastructure. Mandated governments mandated the use of specific standards

  • 51.2 – The average adoption score (out of 100) for markets with neutral government positions
  • 54.9 –  The average score of Government supported markets 
  • 63.3 – The average score of government mandated markets

Use cases diverge by geography and market maturity

Our survey asked respondents about the use cases that they expected to see gain wide spread adoption in 2023.


Said PFM (personal finance management) would be the driver


Cited income and affordability checks as the key use case for their market


Thought account to account top-up payments would be the main driver

Personal Finance Management is not the answer

Early-stage markets tended to have a high degree of concentration around one or two use cases, personal finance management (PFM) is particularly prevalent in this group.

More mature ecosytems saw a broader diversity of use-cases, most commonly with lending related use cases coming to the fore.

Andrew Bowie MP, minister for exports on why he believes the Global Open Finance Index is "required reading" for anyone interested in the space.
Andrew Bowie MP, Minister for Exports
Our transformation at OBE has been profound. From 38 founding members are now part of a community of more than 20,000 experts and enthusiasts around the world....
Helen Child, Founder & CEO, Open Banking Excellence
Chapter 1 - The Index Findings
Open Banking is a global phenomenon. It has the potential to fundamentally reshape the interplay between social and financial systems and to change the way we all relate to our money.
OBE analysis
Chapter 2 - The Evolution of Fintech & Open Banking in the UK
Any exploration of open finance has to start with the country where Open Banking in its modern, connected ecosystem guise began.
Sir Ron Kalifa
Chapter 3 - Region Focus: Europe
Outside of the UK, the larger markets are being held-back by variances in the implementation of PSD2 which create significantly higher overheads for those companies looking to integrate at a pan-european level.
OBE analysis
Chapter 4 - Case Study: Financial insights delivered beyond financial services
As we head into what looks set to be a hard time for many in 2023, we’re seeing more and more customers looking at financial data in a new light.
Sam Seaton, Moneyhub
Chapter 5 - The Future Evolution of Payments
The Global Open Finance Index found a strong correlation between higher consumer adoption scores and nations in which experts predicted that the most traction in 2023 would be delivered by use cases that skewed towards the “embedded finance” end of the complexity spectrum.
Sulabh Agarwal, Accenture
Chapter 6 - Case Study - Tax and payments - HMRC Nick Down
HMRC was initially attracted to open banking payment for the same reason as much of the UK payment community.....
Nick Down, HMRC
Chapter 7 -The Open API model
In the future, the Open API model will expand into more industries, leading to the development of Open Data and, ultimately, Open X.
Amit Mallick, Accenture
Chapter 8 - Region Focus: Middle East and Africa
The pace of development in the Middle East and Africa has accelerated dramatically since 2021......
OBE analysis
Chapter 9 - Case study: How UK Banks are going beyond the mandate
NatWest’s Bank of APIs is focused on finding ways to help businesses deliver smoother, simpler customer experiences.
Stacey Wilkinson, NatWest
Chapter 10 - Region Focus: LatAm
Despite being relative newcomers to the Open Banking scene, the LatAm region is moving fast.
OBE analysis
Chapter 11 - How To Build A Flourishing Fintech Ecosystem
An interview with Janine Hirt, CEO, Innovate Finance.
Janine Hirt, Innovate Finance
Chapter 12 - Region Focus: North America
North America is one of the most exciting areas of the world when it comes to Open Banking.
OBE analysis
Chapter 13 - Open Finance and Financial Inclusion
An interview with Harish Natarajan, Lead Financial Sector Specialist, Finance, Competitiveness & innovation at the World Bank.
Harish Natarajan, World Bank
Chapter 14 - Region Focus: APAC
Australia’s hugely ambitious legislative approach via the CDR stands in stark contrast to the “government supported” approach of other key markets in the region.
OBE analysis
Chapter 15 - Beyond Open Finance
Lending is just one of the many sectors which will be transformed by the adoption of open API infrastructure.
Michael Abbott, Accenture
Chapter 16: Explore the data with our interactive infrographics.
Explore the wealth of data behind the Global Open Finance Index for yourself using our interactive infographics
OBE analysis

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