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Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English

The Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English (OLDAE) focuses on words and phrases used in academic writing, and helps you to use them in your own academic written work.

OLDAE is specifically designed for learners who are studying, or preparing to study, an academic subject in English.

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Focus on academic language

OLDAE is informed by the 85-million-word Oxford Corpus of Academic English and shows how English words are used in different ways across academic subject areas, such as the humanities and the physical, life and social sciences.

It includes 22,000 words, phrases and meanings, over 50,000 corpus-based examples and a range of usage notes with information on collocations, synonyms and other language points.

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Word Lists

Includes word lists for four academic subject areas: humanities, life science, physical science and social science.

The A-Z is also integrated with OPAL word lists, which contain the most important vocabulary for academic writing and speaking.

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Academic iWriter

Learn how to structure and write a range of assignments, such as essays, case studies and dissertations, and develop your academic writing style. Study the model texts and tips, then do your own guided writing.

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Collocations notes in 690 of the most important entries show over 26,000 collocations (words that are often used together), helping you to understand academic texts and improve your own academic writing.

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Corpus-based examples

50,000 corpus-based examples show how words work in relevant academic contexts, helping you to use words correctly. The examples are full sentences, all taken or adapted from genuine academic texts.

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Reference pages

Explore and download lots of useful grammar and other reference material, covering topics such as irregular verbs, geographical names, academic grammar and punctuation.

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Sample entries

analyse data economic feature (noun) focus (noun) focus (verb) however research (noun) research (verb) significant

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