The IT services department is responsible for planning, operation and advancement of the institute's information technology infrastructure. Based on this infrastructure, a broad range of digital services for both science and administration is provided by the team. Furthermore, the team's IT specialists advise staff and guests on the use of the offered services and help to solve technical problems.
Overview: Identity management
Intranet (log-in required to access the following links)
- Accounts (profiles, registration, supplemental forms, deactivation)
- Authentication & authorization (credentials)
- Personal digital certificates
- Single-sign-on (SSO)
- Groups
- Directory services
Please note, that links provided here are for convenience. For the full list of services use navigation to the left.
Overview: Personal computers
Log-in required information:
- Workplace equipment (PC ordering, PC returning)
- Printing
- Help-desk
- Ticket system user interface (OTRS)
- Antivirus - malware protection
- Shared file systems
Log-in required information:
- Mattermost chat
- Email (overview): settings for receiving / sending
- Collaborative document editing (overview)
- GitLab - software project management |
- Web conferencing with Zoom or DFNConf
- Web portals
Overview: Systems & Applications - campus software, directory service, internet surveys, virtual machine infrastructure, back-office tasks
Log-in required information:
- Campus software: ESRI (ArcGis), Mathworks
- Survey solutions
- Virtual servers
Overview: Computer Networks
- Wireless networks (WiFi/WLAN): PIK staff, PIK visitors, Eduroam
- Remote access: OpenConnect VPN
- Local area networks (LAN)
- Telephony (fixed-line)
Overview: Data storage management & Backup
Log-in required information:
- Backup of personal computers
- Central file-systems (home & project)
- Long-term doi storage
Overview: HPC Service - The foundation of scientific modelling, numerical experiments, machine learning and scientific ‘big’ data applications.
The HPC-Service of the institute is available in principal to all scientists of the institute and to external scientists affiliated with the institute through co-operation agreements. Registration with IT-Services is required prior to accessing the system.
Log-in required information:
- IT consulting
- IT-facilities
- IT-procurement [technical evaluation]
- IT-security
- Professional training