Globale Abschätzung der Auswirkungen von Landnutzungsänderungen auf Treibhausgasemissionen und Ökosystemare Dienstleistungen - Klima- und Landnutzungsszenarien

The research programme "sustainable land management" is being coordinated and moderated by the scientific coordination and synthesis project GLUES (Global Assessment of Land Use Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Ecosystem Services). GLUES supports international interdisciplinary research projects by communication, coordination and integration of results, by developing a common data platform and consistent scenarios on land use, climate and socio-economic change. GLUES will develop concepts for synthesizing results from regional projects funded by the LAMA programme working in different regions across the world, as well as from other related international research programmes. Support for regional projects will be based on the communication of consistent scenarios and data sets on land use dynamics, demands for ecosystem services at different spatial and temporal scales, and methods to assess and account for effects on stakeholders of policy proposals.


Jan 01, 2010 until Mar 31, 2015

Funding Agency


Funding Call

Sustainable Land Use Management, coordination project