her mind ranged higher than common happenings

her mind ranged higher than common happenings
no miser- or mutable soul was she

enjoyed herself reading books and essays
not suited to popular taste

had within herself
a bright world of dreams and poems

knew how to get along with high and low
knew how to receive guests
knew how to heed folks’ talk
knew how to tell a story

she was poetically inclined but kept that close to her chest
skaldtongued though she flaunted it little
speechdeft indeed but did not flaunt those gifts
could compose on the spot but held verse close to her chest

far be it from her
to speak of her achievements
Translated  from the Icelandic


“her mind ranged higher than common happenings” is from the bilingual book of translations Herostories (Deep Vellum, 2023), published through arrangement with Deep Vellum. Read the Icelandic-language original, “hugur hennar stóð hærra en almennt gerðist” and the translator’s note by K.B. Thors.

Source: Poetry (June 2024)
More Poems by Kristín Svava Tómasdóttir