2023 Global Digital Shopping Index: Mexico Edition

Cash Use Down 23% in Mexico, Cards Filling the Gap Physical shopping and payments have long reigned supreme in Mexico, but card-based transactions open a digital doorway for the region’s consumers. PYMNTS’ latest study of 13,349 consumers and 3,124 businesses, the “2023 Global Digital Shopping Index: Mexico Edition,” a collaboration with Cybersource, explores how merchants in Mexico can, and are, capitalizing on this shift.
inside the June Playbook
  • 44%: Portion of in-store shoppers in Mexico who shop in-store because they believe the prices are lower than online
  • 10: Number of digital shopping features the average shopper in Mexico uses per purchase, significantly less than any other country in our study
  • 30%: Portion of women in Mexico who want to integrate digital into all aspects of their shopping journeys

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