Updated: October 28, 2024 |
Start encoding video
#include <camera/camera_api.h>
camera_error_t camera_start_encode(camera_handle_t handle, void(*video_callback) (camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t *, void *), void(*enc_video_callback) (camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t *, void *), void(*enc_audio_callback) (camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t *, void *), void(*status_callback) (camera_handle_t, camera_devstatus_t, uint16_t, void *), void *arg)
void function_name( camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t*, void* );The function is a callback function that is invoked when an uncompressed video frame is available. You can use NULL if no function needs to be called. For information about the callback arguments, see Using callback mode.
void function_name( camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t*, void* );The function is a callback function that is invoked when an encoded video frame is available. This argument is mandatory and can't be NULL. For information about the callback arguments, see Using callback mode.
void function_name( camera_handle_t, camera_buffer_t*, void* );The function is a callback function that is invoked when an encoded audio frame is available. You can use NULL if no function needs to be called. For information about the callback arguments, see Using callback mode.
void function_name( camera_handle_t, camera_devstatus_t, uint16_t, void* );The function is a callback function that is invoked when status events occur. You can use NULL if no function needs to be called. For information about the callback arguments, see Using callback mode.
This function can only be called if the CAMERA_FEATURE_VIDEO feature is available. You can determine whether this feature is available by calling the camera_has_feature() function.
The viewfinder must be started in a viewfinder mode that supports video encoding. For more information about viewfinder modes, see Viewfinder Mode.
Video is encoded based on the configured properties.
Before calling this function, ensure that all required video encoding properties are set using camera_set_video_property(). For more information about encoding configurations, see the functions in camera_encoder.h.
CAMERA_EOK when the function successfully completes, otherwise another camera_error_t value that provides the reason that the call failed. CAMERA_EINVAL is returned if there's a mismatch in the video properties that were set using camera_set_video_property().