About This Guide

Updated: October 28, 2024

The Camera library abstracts the complexity of interfacing with a camera connected to the target board.

The Camera library uses the Sensor service, which is a process that interacts directly with the camera hardware. The library's high-level C API provides applications with an interface to communicate with a camera. This guide describes the Camera library and how to work with the API functions.

This guide is intended for audiences who are familiar with C code. If you plan to display video from a camera, you should be familiar working with the Screen Graphics Subsystem.

Note: There are several code snippets included in this guide, which show which functions you should call to perform certain tasks. For readability, we've sometimes omitted error checking and handling in these code snippets. For your production application code, make sure you perform the appropriate error handling.
To find out about: See:
The purpose, components, and capabilities of the Camera library Camera Library Overview
Starting an image stream Viewfinder Mode
Configuring camera settings Settings on the Camera
Accessing image buffers Image Buffer Access
Freeing up system resources for use by other applications Resource Management
Writing your own camera driver External Camera Drivers
Showing video from a camera Show a Video Stream from a Camera
Using the Camera library API Camera Library Reference
Using the Screen Graphics Subsystem Screen Developer's Guide