Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The Camera library abstracts the complexity of interfacing with a camera connected to the target board.
The Camera library uses the Sensor service, which is a process that interacts directly with the camera hardware. The library's high-level C API provides applications with an interface to communicate with a camera. This guide describes the Camera library and how to work with the API functions.
This guide is intended for audiences who are familiar with C code. If you plan to display video from a camera, you should be familiar working with the Screen Graphics Subsystem.
To find out about: | See: |
The purpose, components, and capabilities of the Camera library | Camera Library Overview |
Starting an image stream | Viewfinder Mode |
Configuring camera settings | Settings on the Camera |
Accessing image buffers | Image Buffer Access |
Freeing up system resources for use by other applications | Resource Management |
Writing your own camera driver | External Camera Drivers |
Showing video from a camera | Show a Video Stream from a Camera |
Using the Camera library API | Camera Library Reference |
Using the Screen Graphics Subsystem | Screen Developer's Guide |