Device control object

Updated: October 28, 2024

Applications can perform actions on a CD by writing commands to the cdpub device control object. The cdpub process creates this PPS server object. By default, the object's path is /pps/qnx/device/cd0_ctrl but you can change this path through cdpub command options. When cdpub receives updates (i.e., data from the object), it executes the specified commands.

Commands must be written in the following format:
For details on publishing data to PPS objects, refer to the Persistent Publish/Subscribe Developer's Guide. Applications can publish the following commands:
Command Description Parameter type and purpose
eject Eject the device Integer indicating the slot numbera
enable Request that the drive enable or disable media access operations Integer set to one of the following values: 0 (to stop the disc), 1 (to start the disc and read the TOC), 2 (to stop the disc and eject it if possible), or 3 (to load the disc)
load Load the device Integer indicating the slot numbera
power_condition Request that the drive be put into a specific power state Integer between the values of 0 and 5. The power states supported are vendor-specific.
prevent_media_removal Adjust setting for preventing disc from being ejected Integer set to one of the following values: 0 to allow disc removal or 1 to prevent it
reload Reload the device Integer indicating the slot numbera
temperature_simulation Enable or disable simulation of temperature value and state Integer set to one of the following values: 0 to enable simulation or 1 to disable it
temperature_state Set temperature state (in simulation) Integer set to one of the following values: 0 for unknown, 1 for normal, 2 for overtemp, 3 for unsupported, or 4 for undertemp
temperature_value Set temperature value (in simulation) Integer whose range is device-specific
unload Unload the device Integer indicating the slot numbera
a For single-slot devices, this parameter isn't required but you must put the token seperator (::) after the command name for the command to be properly parsed.