Building a QNX Hypervisor for Safety system

Updated: October 28, 2024

This chapter explains how to build (assemble) a QNX Hypervisor for Safety system and transfer a bootable image to a supported target platform.

When you build a QNX hypervisor, you don't recompile the hypervisor. If you added or modified components (e.g., drivers or vdevs) you will of course have to compile them. However, QNX hypervisors are provided as binaries only. You don't compile them; you include them unmodified when you assemble a bootable image with your hypervisor system.

Warning: When building a hypervisor system that will be certified for safety, you must use the QNX Hypervisor for Safety (QHS) in accordance with its Safety Manual.



Before you begin to work, check that your board's hardware and firmware support virtualization.

Even if your board hardware supports all of the virtualization capabilities needed to run a QNX virtualized system, the firmware on the board may not enable or may even expressly disable some of these capabilities, in which case you won't be able to run the hypervisor.

You can contact your board vendor to confirm that the board you are considering supports the virtualization capabilities you'll need, and that your board has the appropriate firmware.

To build a hypervisor system, you need to configure and build both the hypervisor host and its guests. These instructions assume that you know:
