Updated: October 28, 2024 |
The microkernel architecture of QNX Neutrino means that debugging QNX embedded systems can be different from debugging other embedded systems.
Many embedded systems require that you use a hardware debugger to troubleshoot problems. A hardware debugger is a physical device that uses a JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) interface to connect to the target hardware.
The hardware debugger is needed to troubleshoot drivers (and sometimes, user applications) on embedded systems, because on these systems, the drivers and user applications are linked into the same memory space as the OS kernel. If a driver or application crashes, it may crash the kernel as well, bringing down the entire system. Because software debuggers depend on the system running, they are of little use when the OS kernel has crashed. Thus, a hardware debugger is required.
Through the QNX Momentics IDE, you can perform hardware debugging using the Lauterbach TRACE32® In-Circuit Debugger, which supports the JTAG interface. Instructions on setting up and using this debugger are given in the JTAG: Debugging with Lauterbach TRACE32 chapter of the QNX Momentics IDE User's Guide.
The QNX Neutrino design makes it easier to use a software debugger for most of your troubleshooting, and also imposes some limitations on the use of hardware debuggers:
For QNX Neutrino, you typically use a hardware debugger for the IPL and the startup code, and a software debugger for the rest of the software (i.e., drivers, user applications). In other words, you rarely have to use a hardware debugger, especially if you're using a QNX BSP (see the chapter Working with QNX BSPs).
QNX provides a software debugging agent called pdebug that makes it easier for you to debug system drivers and user applications. This agent runs on the target system and communicates with the host debugger over a serial or Ethernet connection. For information about configuring and using it for debugging, see the QNX Momentics IDE User's Guide.
To use the pdebug software agent, the OS kernel must be running. If you're experiencing problems with the kernel crashing or not being started, you need a hardware debugger to troubleshoot the IPL and startup code. These run with the CPU in physical mode, so you can use conventional hardware debuggers, such as a JTAG debugger, to troubleshoot them.
You can also use a hardware debugger to debug applications:
When you use a hardware debugger to debug QNX Neutrino IPLs and startup programs and you don't provide any extra information, you're limited to assembly-level debugging, and assembler symbols such as subroutine names aren't visible.
To perform full source-level debugging, you must provide the hardware debugger with the symbol information and the C source code.
The sections that follow describe how to generate the debug symbols required by a hardware debugger for source-level debugging. The examples assume that you're logged in on the development host with root privileges.