
Updated: October 28, 2024

Access Point profile data


#include <qwf/qwf_wifi.h>
typedef struct qwf_wifi_ApProfileData_s {
    qwf_wifi_Ssid_t ssid;
    qwf_wifi_SecurityProtocol_e authProtocol;
    char passphrase[QWF_WIFI_MAX_PASSPHRASE+1];
    char wepKey[QWF_WIFI_128_BIT_WEPKEY_LEN+1];
    uint16_t maxClients;
    qwf_wifi_Standard_e standard;
    qwf_wifi_FrequencyBand_e band;
    bool privacy;
    char countryCode[QWF_WIFI_MAX_COUNTRY_CODE_LEN+1];
    int channelNum;
    qwf_wifi_VhtOperChanWidth_e vhtOperChWidth;
    uint8_t vhtOperCenterFreqSeg0;
    uint8_t vhtOperCenterFreqSeg1;
    char htCapabilities[QWF_WIFI_MAX_CAPABILTIES_LEN+1];
    char vhtCapabilities[QWF_WIFI_MAX_CAPABILTIES_LEN+1];
    char associationVSE[QWF_WIFI_MAX_HOSTAPD_VSE_LEN+1];
    char vendorElements[QWF_WIFI_MAX_HOSTAPD_VSE_LEN+1];
} qwf_wifi_ApProfileData_t;


qwf_wifi_Ssid_t ssid

SSID, as a NULL-terminated string

qwf_wifi_SecurityProtocol_e authProtocol

Supported security protocol

char passphrase[QWF_WIFI_MAX_PASSPHRASE+1]

Passphrase, as a NULL-terminated string

char wepKey[QWF_WIFI_128_BIT_WEPKEY_LEN+1]

WEP key, as a NULL-terminated string

uint16_t maxClients

Maximum number of clients allowed on the Access Point

qwf_wifi_Standard_e standard

Wi-Fi standard used by the Access Point

qwf_wifi_FrequencyBand_e band

Frequency band used by the Access Point

bool privacy

Privacy flag for the Access Point, defining whether connected clients can see each other


Short country code used by hostapd, as a fixed-length string. Refer to the sample hostapd configuration file for more information.

int channelNum

Channel number for this Access Point. A value of QWF_WIFI_AUTO_AP_CHANNEL means the Wi-Fi Manager determines the channel number. Refer to the sample hostapd configuration file for more information.

qwf_wifi_VhtOperChanWidth_e vhtOperChWidth

VHT operating channel width used by hostapd for the Access Point being started or updated. Refer to the sample hostapd configuration file for more information.

uint8_t vhtOperCenterFreqSeg0

VHT center frequency index (first segment) used by hostapd for the Access Point being started or updated. Refer to the sample hostapd configuration file for more information.

uint8_t vhtOperCenterFreqSeg1

VHT center frequency index (second segment) used by hostapd for the Access Point being started or updated. Refer to the sample hostapd configuration file for more information.

char htCapabilities[QWF_WIFI_MAX_CAPABILTIES_LEN+1]

HT capability flags used by hostapd. The string is formatted as specified in the hostapd configuration file (e.g., [HT40-][SHORT-GI-20][SHORT-GI-40]).

char vhtCapabilities[QWF_WIFI_MAX_CAPABILTIES_LEN+1]

VHT capability flags used by hostapd. The string is formatted as specified in the hostapd configuration file (e.g., [SHORT-GI-80][HTC-VHT]).


A Vendor Specific Element (VSE), as a fixed-length string, to be used by hostapd as a filter against the VSE of an incoming Association Request (or Re-Association Request). The hostapd service allows connection only to clients whose VSE contains this “association VSE”.

char vendorElements[QWF_WIFI_MAX_HOSTAPD_VSE_LEN+1]

One or more Vendor Specific Elements (VSEs), as a fixed-length string, to be used by hostapd when broadcasting a Beacon or Probe. Refer to the vendor_elements parameter in the sample hostapd configuration file for usage information.

