Updated: October 28, 2024 |
Wi-Fi status data for Station Mode
#include <qwf/qwf_wifi.h>
typedef struct qwf_wifi_StationModeStatusData_s { qwf_wifi_WifiRole_e role; qwf_wifi_InterfaceSetting_e wlanSetting; bool connected; uint16_t connectedSavedNetworkId; qwf_wifi_Ssid_t connectedSsid; uint16_t profileCount; char lastEvent[QWF_WIFI_MAX_WPA_SUPL_EVENT_LEN+1]; } qwf_wifi_StationModeStatusData_t;
Current Wi-Fi Manager role (Station or Access Point)
WLAN interface mode (Up or Down)
Whether the Wi-Fi Manager is connected to an Access Point
Network ID of the currently connected Saved Network. This is valid when connected is true.
SSID of the currently connected Access Point. This is valid when connected is true.
Number of Saved Network profiles
Last event generated by the Wi-Fi supplicant; this applies to Station and Access Point modes