Screen library reference
Parent topic
Screen library reference
General (screen.h)
Screen Graphics Subsystem Developer's Guide
Updated: October 28, 2024
Constants and Datatypes that are applicable to multiple
Screen API
Definitions in screen.h
Preprocessor macro definitions for the
header file in the
Screen content mode types
Types of content modes
Screen Alpha Mode Types
Types of available alpha modes
Screen color space types
The color space types that are supported by window and pixmap objects
Screen cursor shapes
The types of cursor shapes
Screen flushing types
Types of flushing options
Screen gesture types
Types of gestures
Screen idle mode types
Types of idle modes
Screen mirror types
Types of mirrors
Screen mouse button types
Types of mouse buttons
Screen object types
Types of Screen API objects
Screen pixel format types
Types of supported pixel formats
Screen power mode types
Types of power modes
Screen property types
Properties that are associated with Screen API objects
Screen rotation types
Types of rotations
Screen scale quality types
Types of scaling qualities
Screen scaling quality types
Types of scale modes
Screen sensitivity masks
Types of sensitivity masks
Screen sensitivity types
Types of sensitivities
Screen status types
The types of status for Screen API objects
Screen touch types
Types of touch
Screen transparency types
Types of window transparencies
Screen usage flag types
Types of usage flags