Updated: October 28, 2024 |
A readable print of the trace (log) file generated from gltracelogger
gltraceprinter tracefile
QNX Neutrino
Specify the location of the .glev file generated from the gltracelogger.
The gltraceprinter utility creates a readable form of the logs generated by gltracelogger. You can run gltraceprinter from a shell.
# gltraceprinter /tmp/tracebuffer-ctx-0.glev
[PROPERTIES] OS: QNX procname: gles3-gears pid-tid: 1007647-1 context: 0 starting frame: 1 [EVENTS] [0 tid:1] eglCreateContext(dpy: 0x2783611590, config: 0x2783761cc0, share_context: NULL, attrib_list: [EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 3, EGL_NONE]) == 0x278363a630 [1 tid:1] eglGetConfigAttrib(dpy: 0x2783611590, config: 0x2783761cc0, attribute: EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, value: [32]) == EGL_TRUE [2 tid:1] eglGetConfigAttrib(dpy: 0x2783611590, config: 0x2783761cc0, attribute: EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, value: [8]) == EGL_TRUE [3 tid:1] eglCreateWindowSurface(dpy: 0x2783611590, config: 0x2783761cc0, win: 0x2783618170, attrib_list: [EGL_NONE]) == 0x27837942a0 [4 tid:1] eglMakeCurrent(dpy: 0x2783611590, draw: 0x27837942a0, read: 0x27837942a0, ctx: 0x278363a630) == EGL_TRUE [5 tid:1] eglSwapInterval(dpy: 0x2783611590, interval: 1) == EGL_TRUE [6 tid:1] glClearColor(red: 0.000000, green: 0.000000, blue: 1.000000, alpha: 0.000000) [7 tid:1] glEnable(cap: GL_CULL_FACE) [8 tid:1] glEnable(cap: GL_DEPTH_TEST) [9 tid:1] glCreateProgram() == 1 [10 tid:1] glCreateShader(type: GL_VERTEX_SHADER) == 2 [11 tid:1] glAttachShader(program: 1, shader: 2) [12 tid:1] glShaderSource(shader: 2, count: 1, string: ['#version 300 es // gears.vs // // Emulates a fixed-function pipeline with: // GL_ALPHA_TEST is disabled by default // GL_BLEND is disabled by default // GL_CLIP_PLANEi is disabled // GL_LIGHTING and GL_LIGHT0 enabled // GL_FOG disabled // GL_TEXTURE_xx disabled // GL_TEXTURE_GEN_x disabled // // GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT is never set -> default value is (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) // // GL_LIGHT0 position is (5, 5, 10, 0) // GL_LIGHT0 ambient is never set -> default value is (0, 0, 0, 1) // GL_LIGHT0 diffuse is never set -> default value is (1, 1, 1, 1) // GL_LIGHT0 specular is never set -> default value is (1, 1, 1, 1) // // GL_AMBIENT and GL_DIFFUSE are (red/green/blue) // GL_SPECULAR is never set -> default value is (0, 0, 0, 1) // GL_EMISSION is never set -> default value is (0, 0, 0, 1) // GL_SHININESS is never set -> default value is 0 // // Combining material with light settings gives us directional diffuse with // ambient from light model. // // Since alpha test and blend are both disabled, there is no need to keep track // of the alpha component when shading. This saves the interpolation of one // float between vertices and brings the performance back to the level of the // 'fixed function pipeline' when the window is maximized. // // App is responsible for normalizing LightPosition. // should be set to gl_ProjectionMatrix * gl_ModelViewMatrix uniform mat4 ModelViewProjectionMatrix; // should be same as mat3(gl_ModelViewMatrix) because gl_ModelViewMatrix is orthogonal uniform mat3 NormalMatrix; // should be set to 'normalize(5.0, 5.0, 10.0)' uniform vec3 LightPosition; // should be set to AmbientDiffuse * vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0) uniform vec3 LightModelProduct; // will be set to red/green/blue uniform vec3 AmbientDiffuse; // user defined attribute to replace gl_Vertex in vec4 Vertex; // user defined attribute to replace gl_Normal in vec3 Normal; // interpolate per-vertex lighting out vec3 Color; void main(void) { // transform the vertex and normal in eye space gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex; vec3 NormEye = normalize(NormalMatrix * Normal); // do one directional light (diffuse only); no need to clamp for this example Color = LightModelProduct + AmbientDiffuse * max(0.0, dot(NormEye, LightPosition)); } ], length: NULL) [13 tid:1] glCompileShader(shader: 2) [14 tid:1] glGetShaderiv(shader: 2, pname: GL_COMPILE_STATUS, params: [1]) [15 tid:1] glCreateShader(type: GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) == 3 [16 tid:1] glAttachShader(program: 1, shader: 3) [17 tid:1] glShaderSource(shader: 3, count: 1, string: ['#version 300 es // gears.fs // // Emulates a fixed function pipeline with: // GL_ALPHA_TEST is disabled by default // GL_BLEND is disabled by default // GL_FOG disabled // GL_TEXTURE_xx disabled // // Since alpha test and blend are both disabled, there is no need to keep track // of the alpha component in the fragment shader. // global foreground alpha uniform lowp float fgAlpha; // interpolated per-vertex lighting in lowp vec3 Color; // result color out lowp vec4 FragColor; void main(void) { // this is the second-simplest fragment shader FragColor = vec4(Color, fgAlpha); } ], length: NULL) [18 tid:1] glCompileShader(shader: 3) [19 tid:1] glGetShaderiv(shader: 3, pname: GL_COMPILE_STATUS, params: [1]) [20 tid:1] glLinkProgram(program: 1) [21 tid:1] glGetProgramiv(program: 1, pname: GL_LINK_STATUS, params: [1]) [22 tid:1] glUseProgram(program: 1) [23 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'ModelViewProjectionMatrix') == 0 [24 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'NormalMatrix') == 1 [25 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'LightPosition') == 2 [26 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'LightModelProduct') == 3 [27 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'AmbientDiffuse') == 4 [28 tid:1] glGetUniformLocation(program: 1, name: 'fgAlpha') == 5 [29 tid:1] glGetAttribLocation(program: 1, name: 'Vertex') == 0 [30 tid:1] glGetAttribLocation(program: 1, name: 'Normal') == 1 [31 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 2, count: 1, v: [0.408200, 0.408200, 0.816500]) [32 tid:1] glGenBuffers(n: 2, buffers: [1, 2]) [33 tid:1] glBindBuffer(target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer: 1) [34 tid:1] glBindBuffer(target: GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer: 2) [35 tid:1] glBufferData(target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 27024, data: NULL, usage: GL_STATIC_DRAW) [36 tid:1] glBufferData(target: GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, size: 4836, data: NULL, usage: GL_STATIC_DRAW) [37 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 0, size: 13488, data: 'blob(13488 bytes)') [38 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 13488, size: 6768, data: 'blob(6768 bytes)') [39 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 20256, size: 6768, data: 'blob(6768 bytes)') [40 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 0, size: 2412, data: 'blob(2412 bytes)') [41 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 2412, size: 1212, data: 'blob(1212 bytes)') [42 tid:1] glBufferSubData(target: GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, offset: 3624, size: 1212, data: 'blob(1212 bytes)') [43 tid:1] glEnableVertexAttribArray(index: 0) [44 tid:1] glVertexAttribPointer(indx: 0, size: 0x3, type: GL_FLOAT, normalized: GL_FALSE, stride: 24, ptr: NULL) [45 tid:1] glEnableVertexAttribArray(index: 1) [46 tid:1] glVertexAttribPointer(indx: 1, size: 0x3, type: GL_FLOAT, normalized: GL_FALSE, stride: 24, ptr: 0xc) [47 tid:1] glClear(mask: 16640) [48 tid:1] glUniformMatrix4fv(location: 0, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [4.330127, 1.520090, 0.555273, 0.469846, 0.000000, 8.352823, -0.404206, -0.342020, 2.500000, -2.632872, -0.961761, -0.813798, -12.990380, -21.265917, 35.506226, 39.274502]) [49 tid:1] glUniformMatrix3fv(location: 1, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [0.866025, 0.171010, -0.469846, 0.000000, 0.939693, 0.342020, 0.500000, -0.296198, 0.813798]) [50 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 4, count: 1, v: [0.800000, 0.100000, 0.000000]) [51 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 3, count: 1, v: [0.160000, 0.020000, 0.000000]) [52 tid:1] glUniform1fv(location: 5, count: 1, v: [1.000000]) [53 tid:1] glDrawElementsInstanced(mode: GL_TRIANGLES, count: 1206, type: GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices: NULL, instanceCount: 1) [54 tid:1] glUniformMatrix4fv(location: 0, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [4.276816, 0.194705, 0.611668, 0.517565, 0.677381, 8.487782, -0.312365, -0.264309, 2.500000, -2.632872, -0.961761, -0.813798, 13.423393, -11.993371, 38.893391, 42.140564]) [55 tid:1] glUniformMatrix3fv(location: 1, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [0.855363, 0.021904, -0.517565, 0.135476, 0.954875, 0.264309, 0.500000, -0.296198, 0.813798]) [56 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 4, count: 1, v: [0.000000, 0.800000, 0.200000]) [57 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 3, count: 1, v: [0.000000, 0.160000, 0.040000]) [58 tid:1] glDrawElementsInstanced(mode: GL_TRIANGLES, count: 606, type: GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices: 0x96c, instanceCount: 1) [59 tid:1] glUniformMatrix4fv(location: 0, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [3.924428, -2.152387, 0.674073, 0.570369, 1.829991, 8.212646, -0.131666, -0.111410, 2.500000, -2.632872, -0.961761, -0.813798, -13.423393, 30.369581, 32.944622, 37.106991]) [60 tid:1] glUniformMatrix3fv(location: 1, count: 1, transpose: GL_FALSE, value: [0.784886, -0.242144, -0.570369, 0.365998, 0.923923, 0.111410, 0.500000, -0.296198, 0.813798]) [61 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 4, count: 1, v: [0.200000, 0.200000, 1.000000]) [62 tid:1] glUniform3fv(location: 3, count: 1, v: [0.040000, 0.040000, 0.200000]) [63 tid:1] glDrawElementsInstanced(mode: GL_TRIANGLES, count: 606, type: GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices: 0xe28, instanceCount: 1) [64 tid:1] eglSwapBuffers(dpy: 0x2783611590, surface: 0x27837942a0) == EGL_TRUE