Employer Reputation Tracker

Access comprehensive data on your institution’s employer reputation and compare with peers with our user-friendly Employer Reputation Tracker tool.

A QS employee is giving a talk at an AUM conference.
A QS employee is giving a talk at an AUM conference.

What is an Employer Reputation Tracker?

Analyse and compare your institution’s reputation among employers.

The Employer Reputation Tracker is a easy-to-use analytics tool that leverages thousands of data points to paint a picture of how an institution is perceived by employers and how this compares with other institutions.

With expert support from QS, institutions can leverage this exclusive data to implement a strong reputation strategy and improve their reputation among employers.

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Key features


Explore the Employer Reputation Tracker’s easy-to-use dashboard

With no requirement for data expertise, create your own visualisations, add and manage users and filter responses by country of origin, subject, industry or job title.

Exclusive data set

Analyse exclusive, non-public data across thousands of data points

Access the assessments and views of more than 40,000 employers in over 120 countries and 20 sectors.

Peer comparisons

Understand where you stand in a competitive market

Personally select your institution’s peers – with the ability to review yearly – to allow for in-depth analysis of comparative strengths and weaknesses.

Expert support

Our experts help you to dig deeper into the data you receive

Utilise expert guidance from our analysts to help you to contextualise the insights provided.

Accelerate your brand ambitions

Utilise QS insights to shape and propel your reputation framework – improving brand perception and reputation among key stakeholder groups.

The University of Toronto bamboo garden at the Donnelly Centre.
Two employees are having a discussion whilst gathered around a laptop.


Use the information you’ve discovered to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your current reputation strategy.


Utilise these insights to inform your actions and make evidence-based decisions on how you engage with employers.

A close-up photo of four employees gathered around a desk whilst one of them writes down some notes in a notepad.
A photo of a man in an office doing work on a laptop.


Use the Employer Reputation Tracker to continuously measure and track the success of your new or improved reputation strategy.

Want to learn more?

Book a free trial of the Employer Reputation Tracker and begin to unlock the full potential your institution’s reputation.

Book a free demo

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Other solutions for you

Reputation solutions

Accelerate your brand

We work with institutions across the globe to establish their brand identity and accelerate their reputation among key stakeholders.

QS Higher Ed Summits

Join our global higher education network

Connect with industry experts, build partnerships and explore the latest issues and trends in higher education at our summits.

Academic reputation evaluations

Learn how you are perceived by academics

Explore data on your institution’s reputation among academics and compare with competitors using our user-friendly analytics tool.

Get in touch

Have a question or require our support? Send us a message and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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