
Protect all your messaging apps in One UI 6.1: Here’s how



Samsung Galaxy phones feature Auto Blocker functionality for enhanced security. In particular, One UI 6.1 has a Message Guard feature that protects all your messaging apps. This feature is readily available on most Galaxy phones and the activation process is also simple.

One UI 6.1 Message Guard neutralizes potential threats to protect your messaging apps. When enabled, it will neutralize any potential threats that might be hiding in the image before it has a chance to do any harm by effectively trapping the file in an isolated space.

[Enable Message Guard > Settings > Security and privacy > Auto Blocker > Messaging app protection]

You don’t need to worry about initiating the process either since Message Guard runs silently and effectively 24/7 in the background without needing to be activated in any way.

In case your Galaxy device receives an image and vibrates gently in your pocket or on your bedside table before going still. You haven’t touched your phone or facilitated any input, but someone may already be reading your messages, browsing your gallery, or copying your bank details.

While the image is put into quarantine, Samsung Message Guard checks the file bit by bit — processing it in a controlled environment to prevent infection to the rest of your device.

One threat that is becoming increasingly common is the zero-click attack, which exploits vulnerabilities in your device software. This can take place any time an image is received and does not require any action whatsoever on the user’s part.

Message Guard works with a range of popular messaging apps that you probably already use, from Google and Samsung apps to Messenger, Telegram and WhatsApp.

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