Kit Ref: 84816
Price around £12.00 GBP (April 2014)
Short feature article
Graham Thompson
A note from Geoff…
Luckily Graham was so quick we have some photos of his completed model and here is one to show you right at the start.
But what was this one all about? Some challenge for sure, as you’re about to find out!
Paints: Vallejo Primers in Black, Grey and Russian Green. Vallejo Model Air Yellow. Lifecolor Track set. Alclad Aqua Gloss clear and Vallejo matt varnish
Weathering: AK Interactive Wash for Nato vehicles. AK Interactive Streaking Grime. AK Interactive Streaking Rust. Also two shades of brown and a black Artists Soft Earth tone Pastels. Vallejo German Camouflage Brown for sponge chipping.
Why a Quick Build?
Every now and again most modellers get bogged down in what they are doing. Like with most things in life, taking a step back and looking at the big picture can be a rewarding experience.
So, here I was, a rare window for modelling was upon me and I had another aircraft to build. But something made me pause, I needed a mind clearer. Something to give me a boost.
Off to the stash for a rummage and I found two HobbyBoss kits, the KV1 and the KV2. The KV2 looked the odder of the two so I set myself a deadline to get it built, painted and simply based. I gave myself 24 hours before the bench had to be clear for the next aircraft kit.
Let the sprues see the bench!
I am quite fond of the HobbyBoss 1:48 scale armour kits; they are, reputedly, scaled down and slightly simplified Trumpeter 1:35 kits. If so, then they are from a fine pedigree as far as I am concerned.
They are also good for beginners as they build easily. Usually have a bit of Photo Etch with no, as in this kit, or very little complex bending. They are also a good introduction to plastic tracks in the form of ‘Link and length’ this means that the tracks are built up from long lengths of track top and bottom with individual links around the drive sprocket and idler wheel.
Also, as in this kit, the top length has been moulded with the characteristic sag. HobbyBoss even supply jigs to get the curves set right in the track. They are, however, the same plastic as the kit so you need to be careful not to glue the track to them.