
Building a culture of science in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Copyright: Piers Benatar / Panos

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  • Cross-cutting themes relate to limited human and financial resources
  • Women, youth and rural populations still marginalised to a certain extent
  • Main S&T priorities were around basic needs such as health and infrastructure

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In March, SciDev.Net organised focus groups in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa to use as the basis of a report on science and development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Participants included senior science communicators, policymakers, scientists, academics and NGO officials.

Topics discussed included creating the right environment for science and innovation, and how best to ensure the dissemination and uptake of evidence and research results for equitable development and poverty reduction. Participants also helped generate insights into emerging trends and capacity building needs within their areas of specialisation.

Link to pdf report for download
Link to report on Issuu.com


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