
SciDev.Net Global Review 2012

Learning series global review 2012
Copyright: iStockphoto.com / Gawrav Sinha

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SciDev.Net studied the different contextual settings within which policymakers, the private sector, NGOs, media organisations and the research community operate to better understand how to mainstream more science and technology evidence for development and poverty reduction purposes.
This report presents findings from a series of research projects that were commissioned in order to create a robust picture of the context and opportunities for mainstreaming evidence, helping develop the next set of SciDev.Net strategic objectives (2013–2017).

Link to pdf report for download  [2.4MB]
Link to report on Issuu.com


The SciDev.Net Learning Series of publications derive insights from our science communication research projects and analysis. The Series is part of SciDev.Net's monitoring and evaluation programme, and provides valuable knowledge and lessons on issues including mainstreaming evidence for policymaking, development activities and building a culture of science.