Prof. Suliman G. Salih
Fatima College of Health Sciences
2009 Ph.D., Nuclear Medicine, Sudan University of Sciences&Technology
2005 fellowship.Breast
cancer imaging (US) International Union Against Cancer,Switzerland
2002 M.Sc., Nuclear Medicine Technology, University
of Gezira, Sudan
Publications (Selected)
Moawia Bushra Gameraddin, Suzan Omer, Suliman Salih, Suha A. Elsayed,
Abdalmonem Alshaikh. Sonographic
Evaluation of Obstructive Jaundice. Open Journal of Medical Imaging 03/2015;
5:24-29. DOI: 10.4236/ojmi.2015.51004.
Sultan Alshoabi, Moawia Bushra
Gameraddin, Suliman Salih, Jumaa Tamboul, Fathelrehman Alagab, Suzan
Abdelmaboud. Evaluation of Meningioma of the brain and spine with Computerized
Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. American Journal of Research
Communication. 2015: Vol 3(5) 236- 245.
Moawia Bushra Gameraddin, Suzan Abdelmaboud, Suliman Salih, Relationship
Between Fetal Heart rate, Maternal Blood pressure, Diabetus Melitus and Fetal Sex. International Journal of Current
Research 03/2015; 7(3):13443-13447.
Moawia Gameraddin, Mosleh Al-Raddadi, Mohamed Yousef, Wedyan Nashashqi,
Amir Mohamed Ali, , Suliman Salih, Bushra Ahmed. Evaluation of Cardiothoracic
Ratio of Normal Subjects in Almadinah Al Munawwara Using Chest Radiographs.
Pensee Journal Vol 76, No.4;April 2014.
Suliman Salih. Accuracy of Nuclear Medicine Technologist Reporting on
Bone Scintigraphy: A Case Studyfro m Sudan. Life Sci J 2014;11(5):295-298].
Salih S, Mabrook ME, Yousef M, Omer MA (2014) The Role of Time to
Half-Maximum Activity Clearance of Technetium-99m-Mercaptoacetyltriglycine in
the Assessment of Obstructive Uropathy. J Nucl Med Radiat Ther 5:169.
Suliman Salihand Ahmed Elhaj. Ultrasonography Appearances of Hepatic
Metastases from Female Breast Cancer in Patients in Central Sudan. IOSR Journal
of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN:
2279-0861.Volume 13, Issue 4 Ver. VII. (Apr. 2014), PP 95-98.
Suliman Salih, Zeidan Abdu Zeidan,
Abdulmohsen Alzalabani, Muayad Saud Albadrani1, Mohamed Yousef.
Awareness and Knowledge Towards Ionizing Radiation Hazard Among Medical
Students, Interns and Residents in Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, KSA. Life Science
Journal 2014;11(3).
Suliman Salih, Mohamed Yousef , Mohammed El-Wathiq Mabrook, Mohammed A.
AliOmer . Evaluation of 99mTc- MAG3/DTPA Radiopharmaceuticals in Detection of
Hydronephrosis. Life Science Journal 2013;10(4).
Moawia Gameraddin, Suliman Salih, Mohamed yousef. Evaluation of
Gestational Age with Fetal Foot Length Using Ultrasonography. Journal of
American Science 2014;10.
Mohammed Yousef, Moawia Gameraddin, Jumaa Tamboul, Suliman Salih, Ikhlas
Abdelaziz, Sultan Alshoabi. Evaluation of Acute Pulmonary Embolism Using Spiral
CT scan.Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2014; ( 4 ); 4. 397-400.
Gameraddin M, Ismeal M, Yousef M, Tamboul J, Salih S. The Sonographic
Estimation of Renal Length and Determination of the Main Causes of Chronic
Renal Failure. Life Sci J 2014;11(5):222-225.
Suliman Salih. Bone and spleen uptake of technetium-99m-methylene
diphosphonate ina patient with sickle-cell disease: A case report from Sudan.
Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences (2014) 9(1), 78–80.
Mohamed Yousef, Suliman Salih, Abdelmoneim Sulieman, Naji Ali, Abdalla
Ahmed. Evaluation of renal functions using isotopic renogram and biochemical
tests. Sudan Medical Monitor, 2013;Volume 8, Issue 3 p. 167-169.
Suliman Salih, Ahmed Elhaj. Prevalence of bone metastases from female breast cancer in
Central Sudan, World Journal of Nuclear Medicine,Vol.7 Number 4, October, 2008.
Profile Details