
Prof. Richard A. Posthuma

Department of Marketing and Management

College of Business Administration

University of Texas at El Paso, USA




1999 Ph.D. Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA

1992 J.D., Cum Laude, Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, Michigan, USA

1977 M.L.I.R. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA

Publications (selected)

  1. Porter, C. M., Posthuma, R. A., Maertz, C. P., Joplin, J. R., Rigby, J., Gordon, M., & Graves, K. (2019). On-the-job and off-the-job embeddedness differentially influence relationships between informal job search and turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(5), 678-689.
  2. Hartwell, C. J., Johnson, C. D., & Posthuma, R. A. (2019). Are we asking the right questions? Predictive validity comparison of four structured interview question types. Journal of Business Research, 100, 122-129.
  3. Posthuma, R. A., Charles Campion, M., & Campion, M. A. (2018). A taxonomic foundation for evidence-based research on employee performance management. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27(2), 168-187.
  4. Laffranchini, G., Kim, S. H., & Posthuma, R. A. (2018). A metacultural approach to predicting self-employment across the globe. International Business Review, 27(2), 481-500.
  5. Posthuma, R. A., Ramsey, J., Flores, G., Maertz, C. & Ahmed, R.A (in press, 2019). A Risk Management Model for Research on Expatriates in Hostile Work Environments. International Journal of Human Resource Management.
  6. Posthuma, R. A., Dworkin, J. B., & Barlow, M. (2018). Social signaling and inter-organizational relationships: Lessons learned from the professional sports industry. Business Horizons, 61, 521-531.
  7. Cheng, H., Flores, G., Singh, S., & Posthuma, R. (2018). Employment discrimination laws: a country level analysis of voice and accountability. International Journal of Law and Management, 60(6), 1286-1298.
  8. Posthuma, R., González-Brambila, C., Fowler, D. J., & Al-Riyami, S. (2017). A comprehensive model of management education for Latin America: Learning constructs, instructional techniques, and outcomes. Management Research: Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management, 15(4), 405-424.
  9. Guerrero, L., Valdiviezo, S. R., Hernandez, C. A., Posthuma, R. A. (2017). Antecendents and consequences of speaking Spanish at work. International Journal of Employment Studies, 25(1), 63-79.
  10. Posthuma, R. A. (2017). Editorial: Types of Conflict. International Journal of Conflict Management, 28(1), 2-3.
  11. Vidyarthi, P. R., Singh, S., Erdogan, B., Chaudhry, A., Posthuma, R., Anand, S. (2016). Individual Deals within Teams: Investigating the Role of Relative I-deals for Employee Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101(11), 1536-1552.
  12. Posthuma, R., Flores, G., Dworkin, J. B. Pavel, S. (2016). How Social Context Influences Employment Lawsuit Dispute Resolution. International Journal of Conflict Management, 27(4), 547-569.
  13. Fowler, D., Posthuma, R., & Tsai, W. (2016). Hiring transformational leaders in education: Lessons learned from structured employment interviews. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 3(4), 240-260.
  14. Posthuma, R. A. (2015). Editorial: Conflict Management in China. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(3).
  15. Guerrero, L. & Posthuma, R. A. Perceptions and Behaviors of Hispanic Workers: A Review. (2014). Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29(6), 616-643.
  16. Posthuma, R. A., Levashina, J., Schollaert, E., Wei-Chi, T., Campion, M. A., & Wagstaff, M. F. (2014). Comparing Employment Interviews in Latin American with Other Countries. Journal of Business Research, 67: 943-951.
  17. Posthuma, R. A. (2014). Twenty-five years of research in the International Journal of Conflict Management: A strong foundation for discovering novel solutions. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(4).
  18. Posthuma, R. A. (2014). Groups, teams, and conflict management: An introduction to a Special Issue. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(2).
  19. Posthuma, R. A., Campion, M. C., & Campion, M. A.  (2013). A high performance work practices taxonomy: Integrating the literature and directing future research. Journal of Management, 39, 1184-1220.
  20. White III, G. O., Hadjimarcou, J., Fainschmidt, S., and Posthuma, R. A. (2013), MNE Home Country Cultural Norms and Conflict Strategy Fit in Transnational Business Contract Disputes, International Business Review, 22, 554-567.
  21. Jiménez, Fernando R., Richard A. Posthuma, and Michael A. Campion (2013), Effective Incentive Compensation for Sales Employees during Tough Economic Times, Organizational Dynamics, 42 (4), 267-273.
  22. Posthuma, R. A. (2013). Introduction to a Special Issue: Conflict Management in Israel. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24(3).
  23. Posthuma, R. A. (2013). Editorial: Third Parties in Conflict Management. International Journal of Conflict Management, 24(1).
  24. Posthuma, R. A. (2012). Will your workers sue you? State-by-State risks and strategic responses. Business Horizons, 55, 65-79.
  25. Posthuma, R. A., Al-Riyami, S. (2012). Leading Teams of Higher Education Administrators: Integrating Goal Setting, Team Role, and Team Life-Cycle Theories. Higher Education Studies, 2, 44-53.
  26. Posthuma, R. A. (2012). Conflict management and emotions. International Journal of Conflict Management, 23(1), 4-5.
  27. Campion, M.A., Guerrero, L. & Posthuma, R. A. (2011). Reasonable human resource practices for making employee downsizing decisions. Organizational Dynamics, 40, 174-108.
  28. Posthuma, R. A., Roehling, M. V., & Campion, M. A. (2011). Employment discrimination law exposures for international employers. International Journal of Law & Management, 53, 281-298.
  29. Wei, Z., Xie, F., & Posthuma, R. A. (2011). Does It Pay to Pollute? Shareholder Wealth Consequences of Corporate Environmental Lawsuits. International Review of Law and Economics, 31, 212-18.
  30. Garcia, M. F., Posthuma, R. A., & Quinones, M. (2010). How Benefit Information and Demographics Influence Employee Recruiting in Mexico. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25, 523-531.
  31. Garcia, M. F., Posthuma, R. A., Mumford, T., & Quinones, M. (2009). The five dimensions of pay satisfaction in a Maquiladora plant in Mexico. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 58, 509-519.
  32. Garcia, M. F, Posthuma, R. A., Roehling, M. V. (2009). Comparing preferences for employing males and nationals across countries: Extending relational models and social dominance theory. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20, 2471-2493.
  33. Posthuma, R. A. (2009). National Culture and Union Membership: A Cultural-Cognitive Perspective. La cultura nacional y el sindicalismo: una perspectiva cognoscitiva-cultural. La culture nationale et la syndicalisation: une approche culturelle et cognitive. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations, 64, 507-529.
  34. Posthuma, R. A., & Campion, M. A. (2009). Age stereotyping in the workplace: Common stereotypes, moderators, and future research directions. Journal of Management, 35, 158-188.
  35. Garcia, M. F., Posthuma, R. A., & Collela, A. (2008). Fit perceptions in the employment interview: The role of similarity, liking, and expectations. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, 173-189.
  36. Posthuma, R. A., & Campion, M. A. (2008). Twenty Best Practices for Just Employee Performance Reviews. Compensation and Benefits Review. (Jan/Feb), Vol. 40, 47-55.
  37. Posthuma, R. A. (2007). Workers Compensation as a Conflict Resolution System. Alternatives, 25, 179-181.
  38. Roehling, M. V., Posthuma, R. A., & Dulebohn, J. (2007). Obesity-Related "Perceived Disability" Claims: Legal Standards and Human Resource Implications. Employee Relations Law Journal, 32, 30-51.
  39. Posthuma, R. A., Maertz, C. P., & Dworkin, J. B. (2007). Procedural Justice’s relationship with turnover: Explaining past inconsistent findings. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 381-398.
  40. Posthuma, R. A., White, G. O., Dworkin, J. B., Yanez, O., Swift, M. S. (2006) Collectivism and Conflict Styles between Co-Workers: An International Comparison. International Journal of Conflict Management, 17, 242-260.
  41. Posthuma, R. A. (2006). The Need for More Influential International Conflict Management Research. International Journal of Conflict Management, 16, 212-217.
  42. Posthuma, R. A., Roehling, M. V., Campion, M. A. (2006). Regulation of Employment Discrimination in Multinational Enterprises: When Do U.S. Laws Apply? Personnel Psychology. 59, 705-739.
  43. Posthuma, R. A., Joplin, J., Maertz, C. P. (2005). Comparing the validity if turnover predictors in the United States and Mexico. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 5, 165-180.
  44. Posthuma, R. A., Campion, M. A., & Vargas, A. (2005). Predicting Counterproductive Behaviors among Temporary Workers. Industrial Relations, 44, 550-554.
  45. Posthuma, R. A., Campion, M. A., & Vargas, A. (2005). The marginal temp syndrome: Predicting job performance and counterproductive behaviors. Current Topics in Management, 10, 161-172.
  46. Posthuma, R. A., & Campion, M. A. (2005). When do multiple dimensions of procedural justice predict agreement to publicly endorse your employer in recruitment advertisements? Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 431-452.
  47. Maertz, C., Mosely, D. C., Bauer, T., & Posthuma, R. A. (2005) Predictors of self-efficacy and cognitive ability in employment testing. Journal of Business Research, 58, 160-167.
  48. Maertz, C. P., Bauer, T. N., Mosley, D. C., Posthuma, R. A., & Campion, M. A. (2004). Do Procedural Justice Perceptions in a Selection Testing Context Predict Applicant Attraction and Intentions toward the Organization? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 34, 125-145.
  49. Posthuma, R. A. (2003). Procedural Due Process and Procedural Justice in the Workplace: A Comparison and Analysis. Public Personnel Management, 32, 181-195.
  50. Posthuma, R. A., & Maertz, C. P. (2003) Relationships between Integrity-Related Variables, Work Performance, and Trustworthiness in English and Spanish. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 11, 1-4.
  51. Chew, D., & Posthuma, R. A. (2002). International Employment Dispute Resolution under NAFTAs Side Agreement on Labor. Labor Law Journal, 53, 38-45.
  52. Posthuma, R. A., Morgeson, F. P., & Campion, M. A. (2002). Beyond Employment Interview Validity: A Comprehensive Narrative Review of Recent Research and Trends over Time. Personnel Psychology, 55, 1-81.
  53. Posthuma, R. A., Dworkin, J. B., Swift, M. S. (2002). Mediator Tactics and Sources of Conflict: Facilitating and Inhibiting Effects. Industrial Relations, 41, 94-109.
  54. Swift, M. S., Johnson, B. R., & Posthuma, R. A. (2003). An Exploratory Analysis of the Selection of Arbitrators in Compulsory Interest Arbitration Proceedings. Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector, 30, 77-91.
  55. Posthuma, R. A. (2002). Employee Selection Procedures and the Business Necessity Defense. Applied H.R.M. Research, 7, 41-52.
  56. Posthuma, R. A., Dworkin, J. B., & Monteiro, M. (2001) Hiring Foreign Workers: Developments in Immigration and Discrimination Laws. Journal of Employment Discrimination Law, 3, 49-60.
  57. Posthuma, R. A., & Swift, M. S. (2001). Legalistic and Facilitative Approaches to Arbitration: Strengths and Weaknesses. Labor Law Journal, 52, 173-184.
  58. Posthuma, R. A. (2001). Mediator Effectiveness: The Negotiator’s Perspective. Journal of Alternative Dispute Resolution, 3, 59-64.
  59. Posthuma, R. A., & Dworkin, J. B., Torres, V., & Bustillos, D. L. (2000). Labor and Employment Laws in the United States and Mexico: An International Comparison. Labor Law Journal, 51, 95-111.
  60. Posthuma, R. A., Dworkin, J. B., & Swift, M. S. (2000). Arbitrator Acceptability: Does Justice Matter? Industrial Relations, 39, 313-335.
  61. Posthuma, R. A., & Dworkin, J. B. (2000). A Behavioral Theory of Arbitrator Acceptability. International Journal of Conflict Management, 11, 248-266.
  62. Posthuma, R. A. & Dworkin, J. B. (Winter, 2000). Arbitrating Statutory Employment Law Claims. Journal of Employment Discrimination Law, 141-151.
  63. Posthuma, R. A. (2000). The Dimensionality of Supervisor Evaluations of Job Performance. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14, 481-487.
  64. Posthuma, R. & Dworkin, J. (1997). Strategy, Form, and Corporate Legal Responsibility Under the NLRA. Labor Law Journal, 48, 641-49.
  65. Posthuma, R., & Dworkin, J. (1997). The Joint Employer, the NLRB, and Changing Rights for Contingent Workers. Labor Law Journal, 48, 19-28.

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