The Structure of Essential Spectra and Discrete Spectrum of Three-Electron Systems in the Impurity Hubbard Model—Quartet State ()
1. Introduction
In the early 1970s, three papers [1] [2] [3], where a simple model of metal was proposed that has become a fundamental model in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems, appeared almost simultaneously and independently. In that model, a single nondegenerate electron band with a local Coulomb interaction is considered. The model proposed in [1] [2] [3] was called the Hubbard model after John Hubbard, who made a fundamental contribution to studying the statistical mechanics of that system, although the local form of Coulomb interaction was first introduced for an impurity model in metal by Anderson [4]. We also recall that the Hubbard model is a particular case of the Shubin-Wonsowsky polaron model [5], which had appeared 30 years before [1] [2] [3]. In the Shubin-Wonsowsky model, along with the on-site Coulomb interaction, the interaction of electrons on neighboring sites is also taken into account. The Hubbard model is an approximation used in solid-state physics to describe the transition between conducting and insulating states. It is the simplest model describing particle interaction on a lattice.
The Hubbard model and impurity Hubbard model is currently one of the most extensively studied multielectron models of metals [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. But little is known about exact results for the spectrum and wave functions of the crystal described by the Hubbard model, and obtaining the corresponding statements is therefore of great interest. The spectrum and wave functions of the system of two electrons in a crystal described by the Hubbard Hamiltonian were studied in [6]. It is known that two-electron systems can be in two states, triplet and singlet [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. It was proved in [6] that the spectrum of the system Hamiltonian
in the triplet state is purely continuous and coincides with a segment
, and the operator
of the system in the singlet state, in addition to the continuous spectrum
, has a unique antibound state for some values of the quasimomentum. For the antibound state, correlated motion of the electrons is realized under which the contribution of binary states is large. Because the system is closed, the energy must remain constant and large. This prevents the electrons from being separated by long distances. Next, an essential point is that bound states (sometimes called scattering-type states) do not form below the continuous spectrum. This can be easily understood because the interaction is repulsive. We note that a converse situation is realized for
: below the continuous spectrum, there is a bound state (antibound states are absent) because the electrons are then attracted to one another.
For the first band, the spectrum is independent of the parameter U of the on-site Coulomb interaction of two electrons and corresponds to the energy of two noninteracting electrons, being exactly equal to the triplet band. The second band is determined by Coulomb interaction to a much greater degree: both the amplitudes and the energy of two electrons depend on U, and the band itself disappears as
and increases without bound as
. The second band largely corresponds to a one-particle state, namely, the motion of the doublet, i.e., two-electron bound states.
The spectrum and wave functions of the system of three electrons in a crystal described by the Hubbard Hamiltonian were studied in [11].
The spectrum of the energy operator of system of four electrons in a crystal described by the Hubbard Hamiltonian in the triplet state was studied in [12]. The four-electron system exists quintet state, and three type triplet states, and two type singlet states. The spectrum of the energy operator of four-electron systems in the Hubbard model in the quintet, and singlet states was studied in [13].
Here, we consider the energy operator of three-electron systems in the Impurity Hubbard model and describe the structure of the essential spectra and discrete spectrum of the system for quartet state.
The Hamiltonian of the chosen model has the form
Here A (A0) is the electron energy at a regular (impurity) lattice site, B (B0) is the transfer integral between (between electron and impurities) neighboring sites (we assume that
) for convenience),
, where
are unit mutually orthogonal vectors, which means that summation is taken over the nearest neighbors, U (U0) is the parameter of the on-site Coulomb interaction of two electrons in the regular (impurity) sites,
is the spin index,
denote the spin values
, and
are the respective electron creation and annihilation operators at a site
The three electron systems have a quartet state and two type doublet states.
The energy of the system depends on its total spin S. Along with the Hamiltonian, the
electron system is characterized by the total spin S,
Hamiltonian (1) commutes with all components of the total spin operator
, and the structure of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the system therefore depends on S. The Hamiltonian H acts in the antisymmetric Fock space
2. Quartet State
be the vacuum vector in the space
. The quartet state corresponds to the free motion of three electrons over the lattice with the basic functions
. The space
, corresponding to the quartet state is the set of all vectors of the form
, where
is the space of antisymmetric functions in the space
Theorem 1. The space
is invariant under the operator H, and the restriction
of operator H to the subspace
is a bounded self-adjoint operator. It generates a bounded self-adjoint operator
acting in the space
according to the formula
is the Kronecker symbol. The operator
acts on a vector
according to the formula
We act with the Hamiltonian H on vectors
using the standard anticommutation relations between electron creation and annihilation operators at lattice sites,
, and also take into account that
, where
is the zero element of
. This yields the statement of the theorem.
We let
, and
Lemma 1. The spectra of the operators
Proof. Because the operators
are bounded self-adjoint operators, it follows that if
, then the Weyl criterion (see [14], chapter VII, paragraph 3, pp. 262-263) implies that there is a sequence
such that
. We set
. Then
, as
, where
. It follows that
. Consequently,
Conversely, let
. Then, by the Weyl criterion, there is a sequence
such that
. Setting
, we conclude that
. This means that
and hence
. These two relations imply
We call the operator
the three-electron quartet state operator.
be the Fourier transform, where
is the
-dimensional torus endowed with the normalized Lebesgue measure
, i.e.
We set
. In the quasimomentum representation, the operator
acts in the Hilbert space
, where
is the subspace of antisymmetric functions in
Theorem 2. The Fourier transform of operator
is a bounded self-adjoint operator
acting in the space
according to the formula
The proof of Theorem 2, is straightforward of (2) using the Fourier transformation.
It is clear that spectral properties of energy operator of three-electron systems in the impurity Hubbard model in the quartet state are closely related to the spectral properties of its one-electron subsystems in the impurity Hubbard model. First we investigate the spectrum of one-electron subsystems.
3. Spectra of the Energy Operator of One-Electron System in the Impurity Hubbard Model
The Hamiltonian H of one-electron systems in the impurity Hubbard model also has the form (1). We let
denote the Hilbert space spanned by the vectors in the form
. It is called the space of one-electron states of the operator H. The space
is invariant with respect to action of the operator H. Denote by
the restriction of H to the subspace
As in the proof of Theorem 3, using the standard anticommutation relations between electron creation and annihilation operators at lattice sites, we get the following.
Theorem 3. The subspace
is invariant with respect to the action of the operator H, and the restriction
is a linear bounded self-adjoint operator, acting in
is a linear bounded self-adjoint operator acting in the space
Lemma 2. The spectra of the operators
The proof of Lemma 2 is the same as the proof of the Lemma 1.
As in Section 2 denote by
the Fourier transform. Setting
we get that the operator
acts in the Hilbert space
Using the equality (6) and properties of the Fourier transform we have the following.
Theorem 4. The operator
acting in the space
It is clear that the continuous spectrum of operator
is independent of the numbers
, and is equal to segment
, where
To find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of operator
we rewrite (7) in following form:
Suppose first that
and denote
. From (8) it follows that
Now substitute (9) in expressing of a and b we get the following system of two linear homogeneous algebraic equations:
This system has a nontrivial solution if and only if the determinant
of this system is equal to zero, where
Therefore, it is true the following.
Lemma 3. If a real number
then z is an eigenvalue of the operator
if and only if
The following Theorem describe of the exchange of the spectrum of operator
in the case
Theorem 5. Let
. Then
1) If
,) then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
2) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
), lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
3) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
), lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
4) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, (
), where
, lying the below (above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
5) If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, (respectively,
), where
, lying the above (respectively, below) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
6) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, where
, and the real number
, lying the above of the continuous spectrum of the operator
7) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, where
, and the real number
, lying the below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
8) If
), then the operator
has a exactly two eigenvalues
, and
, where
, and the real number
, lying the above and below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
9) If
, then the operator
has no eigenvalues lying the outside of the continuous spectrum of the operator
Proof. In the case
, the continuous spectrum of the operator
coincide with segment
. Expressing all integrals in the equation
through the integral
, we find that the equation
is equivalent to the equation
Moreover, the function
is a differentiable function on the set
, in addition,
. Thus the function
is an monotone increasing function on
and on
. Furthermore,
, and
then from (13) follows that
The function
has a point of asymptotic discontinuity
. Since
for all
it follows that the function
is an monotone increasing (decreasing) function on
and on
in the case
), in addition, and if
, or
, then
(respectively, if
, then
1) If
), then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions (13) has the form
It is clear, that
for the values
. Therefore,
, i.e.,
. If
, then this eigenvalue lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, if
, then this eigenvalue lying the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
2) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
, that is,
. It is clear, what the integral
calculated in a quadrature, of the below (above) of continuous spectrum of operator
, the integral
, (
,) consequently,
.) The calculated the integral
, the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, we have the equation of the form
This equation has a solution
, lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
. In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation take the form
This equation has a solution of the form
, lying the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
3) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
It is clear, what the integral
calculated in a quadrature, of the below (respectively, above) of continuous spectrum of operator
, the integral
, (respectively,
,) consequently,
The calculated the integral
, the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, we have the equation of the form
This equation has a solution
, lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
. In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation take the form
This equation has a solution of the form
, lying the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
4) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
. Then
, or
. In the below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
, we have the equation of the form
This equation has a solution
. It is obviously, that
This eigenvalue lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
. In the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
From here, we find
. This eigenvalue lying the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
5) If
, then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
from this
We denote
. In the first we consider the Equation (25) in the below of continuous spectrum of operator
. In Equation (25) we find the equation of the form
From this, we find
, and
. Now we verify the conditions
. The inequality
, is incorrectly, and inequality
, also is incorrectly. We now consider the Equation (25) in the above of continuous spectrum of operator
. We have
In this equation we find the solutions above of continuous spectrum of operator
. Now we verify the conditions
. The inequality
, is correctly, and inequality
, is incorrectly. Consequently, in this case the operator
. has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, then the equation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
In the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, we have equation of the form
From here we find
, and
. The appear inequalities
, is correct, and
, is incorrect. In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, we have equation of the form
It follows that, what
, and
. The inequality
, and
, are incorrectly. Therefore, in this case the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the below of continuous spectrum of operator
6) If
, (respectively,
), then consider necessary, that
, where
—real number. Then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
From this
We denote
, then
In the first we consider this equation in the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
. Then
This equation has the solutions
, and
. Now, we verify the condition
. The solution
no satisfy the condition
, but
satisfy the condition
. We now verify the conditions
. The appear, this inequality is incorrectly. The appear inequalities
is correct, and
, is incorrect. We now verify the conditions
. So far as,
, the appear, this inequality is correctly. Consequently, in this case, the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, above of continuous spectrum of operator
7) If
, and
, (respectively,
, and
), then we assume that
, where
—real number. The equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
From here
The introduce notation
. Then
In the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, we have the equation
from here
This equation take the form
We find
. We now verify the conditions
. The appear, that
, is correctly and
, is incorrectly. Now we consider the Equation (38) in the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
. Then
From this
We find
, and
. We verify the conditions
. The appear
, it is not true, and the
, is true. We now verify the conditions
. The appear, this inequality is incorrectly. Consequently, in this case, the operator
have unique eigenvalue
, i.e., lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
8) If
), the we take
, where
—real number. Then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
We denote
. Then the Equation (44) receive the form
In the below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
we have equation of the form
This equation has a solutions
, and
. The inequalities
, and
, is implements. The inequalities
, is correctly, and the inequality
, is incorrectly. We now verify the conditions
, since
, this inequality is true. We now consider the Equation (44) in the above of the continuous spectrum of the operator
. We have the equation of the form
This equation has a solutions
, and
The inequalities
, and
is true, as
, that the inequality
is correctly. The inequalities
, and
is incorrectly. Consequently, in this case the operator
has a exactly two eigenvalues
, and
, lying the above and below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
9) If
, then
, and the function
is a decreasing function in the intervals
; By,
the function
, and by
, the function
, and by
, and by
. The function
, by
, and by
, the function
, and by
, the function
, by
, the function
. Therefore, the equation
that’s impossible the solutions in the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
. Therefore, in this case, the operator
has no eigenvalues lying the outside of the continuous spectrum of the operator
Now we consider the two-dimensional case. In two-dimensional case, we have, what the equation
, is equivalent to the equation of the form
. In this case, also
, as
, and
, as
, and
, as
, and
, as
. In one- and two-dimensional case the behavior of function
be similarly. Therefore, we have the analogously results, what is find the one-dimensional case.
We consider the three-dimensional case.
Theorem 7. Let
. Then
1) a) If
,) then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
b) If
,) then the operator
has no eigenvalue, lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
2) If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
), lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
. If
), then the operator
has no eigenvalue the outside of the continuous spectrum of operator
3) If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue z, lying the below (respectively, above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
. If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has no eigenvalues in the outside of the continuous spectrum of the operator
4) If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue z, (
), where
, lying the below (above) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
. If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has no eigenvalues the outside the continuous spectrum of the operator
5) If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue z, (respectively,
), lying the above (respectively, below) of the continuous spectrum of the operator
6) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the above of the continuous spectrum of the operator
7) If
), then the operator
has a unique eigenvalue
, lying the below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
8) If
), then the operator
has a exactly two eigenvalues
, and
, lying the above and below of the continuous spectrum of the operator
9) If
, then the operator
has no eigenvalues lying the outside of the continuous spectrum of the operator
Proof. In the case
, the continuous spectrum of the operator
coincide with segment
. Expressing all integrals in the equation
through the integral
, we find that the equation
is equivalent to the equation
Moreover, the function
is a differentiable function on the set
, in addition,
In the three-dimensional case, the integral
have the finite value, expressing these integral via Watson integral [15]
, and taking into account, what the measure is normalized, we have, that
. Thus the function
is an monotone increasing function on
and on
. Furthermore, in the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
then from (12) follows that
The function
has a point of asymptotic discontinuity
. Since
for all
it follows that the function
is an monotone increasing (decreasing) function on
and on
in the case
), in addition, and if
, or
, then
(respectively, if
, then
1) If
), then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions (13) has the form (15):
It is clear, that
for the values
. Therefore,
, i.e.,
. If
, then this eigenvalue lying the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, if
, then this eigenvalue lying the above of the continuous spectrum of operator
. If
), then this eigenvalue not lying in the outside of the continuous spectrum of operator
2) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
, that is,
. In the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
. Therefore, in order to the equation
in the below (respectively, above) of continuous spectrum of operator
have the solution, one should implements the inequality
, (respectively,
,) i.e.,
, (respectively,
). If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has no eigenvalues the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
3) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
. In the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
. Therefore, in order to the equation
in the below (respectively, above) of continuous spectrum of operator
have the solution, one should implements the inequality
, (respectively,
,) i.e.,
, (respectively,
). If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has no eigenvalues the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
4) If
), then the equation for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
. Then
, or
. In the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
. Therefore, in order to the equation
in the below (respectively, above) of continuous spectrum of operator
have the solution, one should implements the inequality
, (respectively,
,) i.e.,
, (respectively,
). If
, (respectively,
), then the operator
has no eigenvalues the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
5) If
, then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
from this we have equation in the form (13):
. We denote
. In the first we consider the Equation (14) in the below of continuous spectrum of operator
. In the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the function
, as
, as
, and in the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation
has a unique solution, if
, i.e.,
. This inequality is incorrect. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, this equation has no solution.
We now consider the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
, in the above of continuous spectrum of operator
. In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the function
, as
, as
, and in the three-dimensional case
, and
. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation
has a unique solution, if
, i.e.,
. This inequality correctly. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, this equation has a unique solution z.
, then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
from this we have the equation in the form (14):
. We denote
. In the first we consider the Equation (14) in the below of continuous spectrum of operator
. In the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the function
, as
, as
, and in the three-dimensional case
, and
, and
, and
. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation
has a unique solution, if
, i.e.,
. This inequality is correct. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, this equation has a unique solution.
We now consider the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions
, in the above of continuous spectrum of operator
. In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the function
, as
, as
, and in the three-dimensional case
, and
. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the equation
has a unique solution, if
, i.e.,
. This inequality is incorrect. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, this equation has no solution.
6) If
, (respectively,
), then consider necessary, that
, where
—real number. Then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form
From this
. We denote
, then
. In the first we consider this equation in the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
. Then
, as
, as
, as
, and
, as
. The equation
has a unique solution, if
. From here
. This inequality is incorrect. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has no eigenvalues.
The above of continuous spectrum of operator
, we have the
, if
, if
. Besides,
, as
, if
The equation
have a unique solution, if
. From here
. This inequality is correctly. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has a unique eigenvalues
7) If
, and
, (respectively,
, and
), then we assume that
, where
—real number. The equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions take in the form
From here
The introduce notation
. Then we have the equation in the form (15):
. In the below of the continuous spectrum of operator
, we have the equation
. In the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, as
, as
The equation
have a unique solution, if
. From here
. This inequality is correctly. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has a unique eigenvalues.
In the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, as
, as
. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has a unique eigenvalues, if
. From here
, what is incorrectly. Therefore, the above of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has no eigenvalues.
8) If
), the we take
, where
—real number. Then the equation for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions has the form:
We denote
. Then the Equation (61) receive the form
In the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, we have
, as
, and
, as
. The equation
have a unique solution the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, if
. From here
. This inequality is correctly. Therefore, the below of continuous spectrum of operator
, the operator
has a unique eigenvalues
The above of of continuous spectrum of operator
, we have
, as
, and
, as
. The equation
have a unique solution the above of
, i.e.,
. This inequality is correct.
Consequently, in this case the operator
have two eigenvalues
, lying the below and above of continuous spectrum of operator
9) If
, then
, and the function
is a decreasing function in the intervals
; By,
the function
, and by
, the function
, and by
, and by
. The function
, by
, and by
, the function
, and by
, the function
, by
, the function
. Therefore, the equation
, that’s impossible the solutions in the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
. Therefore, in this case, the operator
has no eigenvalues lying the outside of the continuous spectrum of the operator
From obtaining results is obviously, that the spectrum of operator
is consists from continuous spectrum and no more than two eigenvalues.
Using tensor products of Hilbert spaces and Using tensor products of operators in Hilbert spaces [16], we can verify that the operator
can be represented in the form
where I is the unit operator in the space
The spectrum of the operator
, where A and B are densely defined bounded linear operators, was studied in [17] [18] [19]. In this work explicit formulas were given there that express the essential spectrum
and the discrete spectrum
in terms of the spectrum
of A and the discrete spectrum
of A and in terms of the spectrum
of B and the discrete spectrum
of B:
It is clear that
4. Structure of the Essential Spectrum and Discrete Spectrum of Operator
Now, using the obtained results and representation (63), and Formulas (64), (65), we describe the structure of the essential spectrum and the discrete spectrum of the operator
The next theorems is described the structure of the essential spectrum and the discrete spectrum of the operator
Theorem 8. Let
. Then
1) If
,) then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue,
, where
2) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
3) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
4) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
, (respectively, (
), and
5) If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
, (respectively,
), and
6) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
, and
, and the real number
7) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue:
, where
, and
, and the real number
8) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of six segments:
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a four eigenvalues:
, where
, and
, and
, and the real number
9) If
, then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists is a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty.
Proof. 1) It follows from representation (63) and from Formulas (64) and (65), and from Theorem 6, that in one-dimensional case, the continuous spectrum of the operator
is consists from
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of unique eigenvalue z. Therefore, the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists from of the union of three segments
, and
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists is the unique eigenvalue 3z. These are given to the proof of statement 1) from Theorem 8.
The statements (2)-(7) from Theorem 8 are proved similarly.
We now are proving the statement 8) from Theorem 8. It can be seen from Theorem 6 (statement 8) in one-dimensional case the operator
has exactly two eigenvalues
outside the domain of the continuous spectrum of operator
. Therefore, the set
consists of the union of six intervals
, and
, and
, i.e.,
. The numbers
, and
, and
, are eigenvalues of operator
. These is given to the proof of statement 8) from Theorem 8.
We now are proving the statement 9) from Theorem 8. It can be seen from Theorem 6 (statement 9) in one-dimensional case the operator
has no eigenvalues the outside the continuous spectrum of operator
. Therefore, the set
consists of a single segment:
, and the operator also has no eigenvalues, i.e.,
The next theorems described the structure of essential spectrum of the operator
in a three-dimensional case.
Theorem 9. Let
. Then
1) a) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue,
, where
b) If
,) then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty.
2) If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, (respectively,
,) and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single eigenvalue,
, (respectively,
,) where
) are the eigenvalue of operator
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty.
3) If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single point,
, where z is the eigenvalue of operator
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty set.
4) If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, (respectively,
,) and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single point,
, (respectively,
,) where z (respectively,
) is the eigenvalue of operator
, and
. If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty.
5) If
, (respectively,
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, (respectively,
,) and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single point,
, (respectively,
,) where z (respectively,
) is the eigenvalue of operator
6) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single point,
, where
is the eigenvalue of operator
7) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of three segments
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single point,
, where
is the eigenvalue of operator
8) If
), then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of the union of six segments
and discrete spectrum of the operator
is consists of a four points,
, where
, and
, are the eigenvalues of operator
9) If
, then the essential spectrum of the operator
is consists of a single segment
, and discrete spectrum of the operator
is empty set.
Proof. The proof of Theorems 9 is similar to the proof of Theorems 8.
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we investigated the structure of essential spectra and discrete spectrum of the three-electron systems in the impurity Hubbard model in the quartet state of the system. In the investigation of the spectra of three-electron systems in the impurity Hubbard model, we will reduce to a study the spectrum of a simpler operator. The paper consists of five sections. In the first section called Introduction, we give a summary historical description of the problem, and also describe the Hamiltonian of the considering systems. In the second section called Quartet state, we give the basic function of the system in the quartet state, also describe the action of the three-electron quartet state operator in the coordinate representation in the invariant subspace. This operator is the bounded self-adjoint operator. Using the Fourier transform, we find the action of the three-electron quartet state operator in a quasimomentum representation. This operator is a bounded self-adjoint operator. In the third section of the paper, we describe the spectrum of the energy operator of a one-electron system in the impurity Hubbard model in a
-dimensional integer-valued lattice
. The Hamiltonian of one-electron systems in the impurity Hubbard model also has the form (1), but now the operator acts in the space one-electron states
. We denote by
the restriction of H to the space
. We find the action of the operator
in the coordinate and quasimomentum representations. The operator
are bounded self-adjoint operators. The operator
has a continuous spectrum and a finite number of eigenvalues with finite multiplicities. The finding of the eigenvalues of the operator
is reduced to finding zeros of the function
We showed that the operator
, in addition to the continuous spectrum, has or one eigenvalue below the continuous spectrum, or one eigenvalue above the continuous spectrum, or two eigenvalues, of which one is below and the other is above than the continuous spectrum, or there are no eigenvalues.
Using tensor products of Hilbert spaces and tensor products of operators in Hilbert spaces, we can verify that the three-electron quartet state operator
can be represented in the form
where I is the unit operator in the space
Now, using the obtained results on the spectrum of the operator
and this representation, we can describe the structure of the essential spectrum and the discrete spectrum of the three-electron quartet state operator
We prove that the essential spectrum of the three-electron quartet state operator
is consists or of a single segment, or of the union of three segments, or of the union of six segments, and the discrete spectrum of the three-electron quartet state operator
consists of an empty set, or of a single eigenvalue, or of four eigenvalues.