1. Introduction
Fermi Function (FF) is one of the important functions used in nuclear and solid state physics; it is also called the Woods-Saxon function (or potential) and it is interpreted as a probability of occupation of energy levels by electrons at a certain temperature subject to thermo-dynamical equilibrium conditions [1].
Note that the motive behind writing this paper is the importance of the subject of the Fermi function due to the vast number of applications of it that are used in physics. However, we will concentrate, here, on the mathematical details involved with this function [1] [2].
Hence, in the next section, we give the definition of the Fermi function and some of its important properties, and its relation with Fermi-Dirac statistics; moreover, we discuss the method of its derivation [3] [4].
In Section 3, based on the three-parameter Fermi function, important integrals are presented. The three-parameter FF is written in terms of a power series using the binomial theorem. The convergence of this power series is discussed and the possibility of evaluating some integrals term-by-term is presented [1].
The nuclear moments are evaluated in Section 4 where integration by parts is used with the Riemann-Zeta function to get a final result. In Section 5, generalized moments are evaluated, followed by the use of radial Fourier transform with the three-parameter FF; and in Section 6, we present a few applications which include the method of obtaining the optical-model potential using inverse scattering and Fermi energy for metals [5] [6] [7].
In Section 7, symmetrized FF is presented and studied [8]. Finally, we give a concluding discussion in the last section.
2. Fermi Function
The Probability Function (PF) which describes the thermo-dynamical behavior in quantum mechanics for a group of particles is called the Fermi function and is given by
is the PF for the existence of states with energy E occupied by an electron at temperature T; K and
are Boltzmann constant and Fermi Energy (FE) respectively [1]. Figure 1 shows FF atT = 0 and T > 0.
Not that for
can be written as
FF is related to Fermi-Dirac distribution which is used to study the behavior of electrons in metals, where the average number of these particles in the sth state while diffusing is given by
is FE and can be calculated from the condition
N is the number of particles in the volume V.
Equation (4) implies that
is a function of temperature [3].
Using Equation (1), where
, and considering Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution which is [1] [3]
and if
, we obtain
Figure 1. Fermi function at T= 0 (a) and T> 0 (b).
While if
, then
[1]. Note that
can be derived on the basis of studying elastic scattering of two electrons with the same interpretation that
represents the probability of having the electron at a quantum state with energy E [1].
3. Three-Parameter FF and Important Integrals
The three-parameter FF is written as
where the three parameters are w, R, and r [1].
, then we get FF with the two parameters r and R; R is taken as the density radius and a is determined from the surface thickness t given by
Now, consider the integral I where
is an analytic function. From Equation (8), we see that
I can, also, be written as
Using the binomial theorem, we obtain
Similarly, we have
Hence, we obtain
From which and from Equation (10) I is written as
The obtained series in Equation (14) does not satisfy the strong and sufficient condition for uniform convergence and this implies that we cannot integrate the series term-by-term [1]. However, it is possible to get some functions and series which satisfy the weak convergence criteria so as term-by-term integration can be attained.
Taking into account the functions
, we get a monotonic decreasing series for
for the sum
which is bounded on the intervals
; and since
and that the terms are consecutively with alternate signs, then the series will converge pointwise and from Lebesgue theorem for convergence, we have: if
is a sequence of functions in
such that
almost everywhere in
and if
such that
almost everywhere
, then
and integration term-by-term is possible; although some difficulty may arise [1] [5].
In the next section, we will consider the cases
; where n is a positive integer,
, and q is the parameter in Fourier transforms.
The infinite series then in Equation (14) may converge and can be integrated on the domains
4. Evaluation of Important Integrals
4.1. Integrals with
Considering the integral in Equation (14) with
, we obtain
Using integration by parts, we get
With few mathematical manipulations, Equation (17) can be written as
is Riemann-Zeta function given by
Now, to apply these results on the two-parameter Fermi function, we see that
, we get the result in Equation (18) [6].
Note that one can neglect the infinite sum, except for the first few terms. e.g. in the case of oxygen atom (O16) and if we take
fm and
, then neglecting high order terms will lead to an error equal to 0.02% only [6].
Furthermore, to get the mean square-radius
, we see that
Where we took the three-parameter Fermi function into consideration. Using Equation (18), we obtain
Which, also, with the use of Equation (18) becomes
Hence, from Equation (23) and Equation (25), we get
Going back to Equation (18) and keeping few terms in the infinite sum with the knowledge that
, one gets
In the same manner,
are calculated so as to get
Therefore, we have
This equation has its impact on the relation between the mass number A and radius R [6].
4.2. Integrals with
Here, we consider the function
, where
is a parameter such that
, then
On the same lines followed in the last section and with a number of steps of integration, we reach the result
Introducing the poly gamma function defined as
And from Equation (32), we see that
can be obtained, finally, as
Note that the poly gamma function can be written in terms of Riemann-Zeta and gamma functions as
Moreover, we observe that the lowest terms in the infinite series in Equation (32) are neglected [5].
5. Integrals with
In this section, we consider the radial Fourier transform of the three-parameter Fermi function, i.e. we calculate the integral
Assume that
In the same manner, we can calculate
; with the obtained results and from Equation (36), one gets
Now, if
is given by
Integrating by parts and following similar steps as before, we obtain
And hence,
will be given by
Similarly, we see that if
Then, defining
and carrying out a number of mathematical calculations, we get
Noting that
we get [6]
6. Few Applications
In this section, we give few applications using Fermi function as follows.
6.1. Fermi Function and the Optical-Model Potential
Using Glauber eiquonal approximation, the elastic scattering S-matrix is written as
whereb is the impact parameter and the phase shift
is the optical-model potential [7].
has a real and an imaginary parts; the same thing with
, where
; V and W are real. This means that Equation (50) can be decomposed into the two equations
These two equations are of the Abel type and the inverse solutions to them are
Note that V and W are given in a general form [7].
The matrix elements
are written as
and the phase sifts
are given by
is the angular momentum and a is the amplitude.
From the last two equations, we obtain
in series forms as
From Equation (61), Equation (62), and Equation (54), we get
can be written in terms of Woods-Saxon functions as
Which is Fermi function [1] [7].
For more details on these calculations, and their use in obtaining optical-model potential for heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies, one can refer to Reference [7].
6.2. Fermi Energy for Metals
Fermi energy is the maximum value of energy attained by the electron. This happens when the level is fully occupied by electrons. Note that the number of conduction electrons per unit volume n is given by
and hence, n can be obtained as [1]
From which, we get
7. Symmetrized Fermi Function
Fermi function is used in many areas in physics; one of these areas is in quantum dots which describes the states occupied by fermions, where
when f is written as
f in Equation (71) is normally used in nuclear physics and it is generally used to represent the density radius distribution or to describe the energy function for the fermion and R is the density radius while d is the surface density parameter [1].
The calculations, used in this case, require our acquaintance with symmetrized Fermi function defined as
, the symmetrized Fermi function is similar to the usual Fermi function [1].
8. Concluding Discussion
The Fermi function proved to be an important tool in calculating some important integrals which have their origin in physics; moreover, the Fermi function is of valuable use in obtaining optical-model potential by inversion in the case of heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies [7].
One of the research articles written on the subject of the symmetrized Fermi function stresses the importance of the Fermi function and its usefulness in many fields of physics, from statistical to nuclear and astrophysics [8]. The article, also, pointed to the advantages of the symmetrized Fermi function, especially in the evaluation of some important integrals exactly.
Fermi function and its derivation from quantum field theory were presented and the benefits of this derivation were discussed in relation to the electromagnetic correction of beta decay [9]. Extra to its use in many fields of physics, the Fermi function is also useful in medical applications in the determination of myocardial blood flow and myocardial perfusion reserve [10].
In addition, the Fermi function is present in network structures, where its β-parameter can affect promoting information spreading on dynamic social networks [11].