Giant benign mucinous cystadenoma: A case report


Giant benign tumours of the ovary are rare in the modern world due to the improved technologies and general awareness. They are known to cause pressure symptoms to the surrounding structures. Though they appear frighteningly large, they are amenable to surgical debulking with good results in survival and post operative recovery. Here we would like to present a case where the patient could not access medical care, which led to the presentation of a very large mucinous cystadenoma which responded remarkably to surgical excision. The patient could go back to her normal life following the procedure. Conclusions Giant benign mucinous tumours are a rarely seen in the modern world. They have excellent surgical results and survival rates.

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Sebastian, A. , Thomas, A. and Regi, A. (2012) Giant benign mucinous cystadenoma: A case report. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2, 220-222. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2012.23044.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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