Deterministic Algorithm Computing All Generators: Application in Cryptographic Systems Design ()
1. Introduction and Basic Definitions
To ensure a high level of crypto-immunity of some cryptographic systems, it is necessary to select a system parameter g (called a primitive element) that satisfies certain conditions.
The primitive elements are used in the Diffie-Hellman secret key establishment (DHKE) protocol [1] and in the ElGamal algorithm [2] for secure exchange of information via open channels. They are also used in the design of generators of pseudo-random numbers [3].
In modular arithmetic, a primitive element g modulo p is an integer having the property that every integer h coprime with p can be expressed as a power of g modulo p.
Therefore, powers of g generate all non-zero elements of the Hmultiplicative group of integers modulo pH.
Definition 1.1: If an integer g has a property that for every integer there exists a corresponding integer x such that
, (1.1)
then g is called a primitive element (generator, in short) and x is called the discrete logarithm of h to the base g modulo p.
For every prime p there exist several generators. For instance, if p = 31, then g = 3, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22 and 24 are generators.
Leonhard Euler discovered the primitive elements, and Carl F. Gauss described their properties in [4]. A mathematically-oriented reader can find further results in [5,6].
The elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), initially described in [7,8], is an analogue of the ElGamal protocol. As a result, the ECC also requires selection of a point G on the elliptic curve, which is an analogue of the generators in cyclic groups based on real integers. However, an efficient algorithm that computes G is an open problem.
2. Verification Procedure
In order to verify whether g is a generator for prime p, consider all factors of.
Proposition 2.1: Suppose
; (2.1)
where every integer and every integer; if
; (2.2)
holds for every, then g is a generator [9].
Example 2.1: Suppose p = 71; let us find a generator. Since, then g is a generator if and only if
and (2.3)
Table 1 shows values of
Since g = 7 satisfies every condition in (2.3), therefore, after fifteen exponentiations we find that it is the generator for p = 71.
Although the conditions (2.2) are straight-forward to verify, if m is large, then (2.2) requires factorization of [10] and m exponentiations for each potential candidate. Also, if at least one of these conditions does not hold, it is necessary to consider the next candidate. In general, non-deterministic algorithms are typical for various problems in modular arithmetic.
3. Two Deterministic Algorithms
In information-hiding schemes, where a primitive element is necessary, there are alternatives for selecting a prime modulus.
Definition 3.1: If both p and are primes, then p is called a safe prime [9].
Example 3.1: Integers 5, 7, 11, 23, 47, 59, 83, 107, 167, 179, 227, 263, 347, 863, 9839, 6935459, 8331923 and 9522167 are examples of safe primes. Although the search for safe primes is not the goal of this paper, the following properties of safe primes eliminate numerous false candidates: p mod 20 = 3 or 7 or 19, otherwise is not a prime.
A non-deterministic algorithm for the selection of safe primes is provided in [9] {see 4.86 Algorithm}.
Proposition 3.1: If is a safe prime, then
; (3.1)
is a generator.
Remark 3.1: Although (3.1) does not always compute the smallest generator, its value is small in comparison
with p:.
Indeed, (3.2)
Moreover, if, then
If, then for every p
Proposition 3.2: If is a safe prime, then
; is a generator. (3.3)
Proofs of both propositions are provided in the next section.
Table 2 provides fifteen examples of safe primes and three corresponding generators for each of them. For every safe prime, the procedures (3.1), (3.3) as well as (6.4), described in the sixth section, are deterministic and require at most one integer multiplication. As a result, in the ElGamal algorithm, the generator can be periodically renewed for enhancement of communication security. Notice that in Table 2 for p = 11, 23, 47, 59, 167, 179 and 347 and for the rest of these primes it is otherwise, i.e.,
4. Algorithm Computing All Generators
Both Propositions 3.1 and 3.2 are special cases of more general proposition.
Proposition 4.1: Let be a safe prime; then for every integer z that satisfies the inequalities
; (4.1)
; (4.2)
is a generator.
Proof: Definition 3.1 implies that for a safe prime
; (4.3)
where q is an odd prime. Therefore, g is a generator because by Fermat’s Little Theorem [3,4]
and . (4.5)
Table 1. Choice of generator for p = 71.
Table 2. Safe primes and corresponding generators.
Suppose that (4.5) does not hold, i.e., there exists at
least one, for which.
Therefore, it implies that
However, none of three factors in (4.6) are congruent with zero modulo p: the first two are excluded by the constraints in (4.1); and the case
is also infeasible, since by Euler’s criterion of quadratic residuosity [4,9]
; (4.8)
which implies that does not have a square root modulo p. In other words, z in (4.7) has no real integer solution. Q.E.D.
Proof of Proposition 3.2: It is easy to verify that (3.3) is a special case of (4.2) for z = q. Indeed, consider
Since for every safe prime p mod 4 = 3 holds, then
In addition,
. (4.11)
Because the last term in (4.9) is an integer, therefore, (4.9)-(4.11) imply (3.3). Q.E.D.
Table 3 lists all generators for p = 47 as functions of parameter z {see (4.2)}.
Since every safe prime p has
distinct generators, {here is Euler’stotient function [4]}, the function g(z) generates each of them if z is changing on the interval [2, q]; {see (4.1) and Table 3}. In addition, (4.2) implies that
For an illustration of (4.13), compare in Table 3 for z = 23 and 24; or for z = 22 and 25.
Proposition 4.2: If is a safe prime, then for every
is a generator.
5. Algorithm for a “Small” Generator
This algorith m computes a small generator for every safe prime.
Step 5.1: Compute
Step 5.2: Compute
Step 5.3: Compute the generator
6. Validation of Algorithm (5.1)-(5.3)
Let us consider a sequence of acceleratingly decreasing generators.
Let (3.3);
Consider ; (6.1)
and let
where every term in (6.2) is an integer. Hence (4.10), (4.11) and (6.2) imply that
Proposition 6.1: For every safe prime p there exists a subset S of generators such that for holds
Table 3. p = 47 and corresponding generators g(z).
For instance, if p = 83, then g(0) = 62; g(1) = 60; g(2) = 56; g(3) = 50; g(4) = 42; g(5) = 32; g(6) = 20; g(7) = 6.
Therefore, (6.3) implies that for
As a result, we derive a monotone decreasing sequence of generators
; (6.5)
where an optimal m minimizes, {see (6.4)}, under the constraints
and. (6.6)
Remark 6.1: In the worst case
Example 6.1: Let p = 47; then g(0) = 35 and from (6.6) m = 5. Hence g(m) = 5, which is the smallest generator. Yet, (3.1).
Example 6.2: Let p = 83; then g(0) = 62 and m = 7. Therefore, g(7) = 6, which is the third smallest one after the generators 2 and 5.
Yet, (3.1), is the smallest generator.
Example 6.3: Let now p = 9522167; then g(0) = 7141625; and from (5.2) m = 2671. Therefore, g(2671) = 4713. Yet, g1 = 4942.
The procedure described above finds small generators. In some cases, it even provides the smallest generators; {as in Example 6.1}. However, it does not find the smallest generator for every safe prime p. In that case select
7. Results of Computer Experiments
Several hundred computer experiments with the safe prime p randomly-selected on interval (107, 1010) confirm that for every p there exists a monotone-decreasing subset S of generators g(0), g(1), g(2), ···, g(m) that satisfy the inequalities (6.3).
For instance, if p = 9622580663, then the number m of generators in the subset S is equal 84952. The experiments also indicate that with frequency 0.382 and with frequency. It implies that, if only one algorithm is used to compute a “small” generator, then should be computed, because with probability close to 62%.
Remark 6.2: Notice that, i.e., these frequencies satisfy the golden ratio equality.
8. Acknowledgements
I express my appreciation to W. Gruver and R. Rubino for their helpful suggestions for improvement of the manuscript. I am also grateful to E. Gerda and Y. Polyakov for their assistance in computer experiments.
Alternative Search for Small Generators
Consider a safe prime;
and let
Since every term in (A.1) is an integer, therefore now,
In general, for; (A.4)
Since, therefore (A.6) and (6.4) provide the same results.