A Parallel Processing Uninterruptible Power Supply for Sudden Voltage Fluctuation for Power Management



This paper deals with a parallel processing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for sudden voltage fluctuation in power management to integrate power quality improvement, load voltage stabilization and UPS. To reduce the complexity, cost and number of power conversions, which results in higher efficiency, only one voltage-controlled voltage source inverter (VCVSI) is used. The VCVSI is connected in series on the DC battery side and in parallel on the AC grid side with a decoupling inductor. The system provides sinusoidal voltage at the fundamental value of 220V/60Hz for the load during abnormal utility power conditions or grid failure. Also, the system can be operated to mitigate the harmonic current and voltage demand from nonlinear loads and provide voltage stabilization for loads when sudden voltage fluctuation occur, such as sag and swell. The experimental results confirm the system protects against outages caused by abnormal utility power conditions and sudden voltage fluctuations and change.

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Ko, S. and Lee, S. (2013) A Parallel Processing Uninterruptible Power Supply for Sudden Voltage Fluctuation for Power Management. Engineering, 5, 13-19. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.51B003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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