Possibility of using the beet dyes as a laser gain medium


Nowadays the dye lasers play as an important tool and are used in many applications including spectroscopy, medicine and dermatology. This research was carried out to study the possibility of using the beet dyes as a laser gain medium. The fluorescence quantum yield was determined by the comparative method with rodamine b as an organic dye standard. The value of the fluorescence quantum yield was found about (0.14) and the fluorescence quantum yield was developed until reaching about (0.323). The increasing of fluorescence quantum yield of dye solution as a result of increasing the viscosity of solvent was observed clearly. The study concluded that the beet dyes are so sensitive to fluorescence and it is very suitable to be used as a laser gain medium.

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Abdelrahman, A. , Abdelrahman, M. and Elbadawy, M. (2013) Possibility of using the beet dyes as a laser gain medium. Natural Science, 5, 1183-1188. doi: 10.4236/ns.2013.511144.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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