Base-transesterification process for biodiesel fuel production from spent frying oils


The concept of converting recycled oils to clean biodiesel aims towards reducing the amount of waste oils to be treated and lowering the cost of biodiesel production. Samples of waste oils were prepared from Spent Frying oil collected from local hotels and restaurants in Khartoum, Sudan. Selected methods to achieve maximum yield of biodiesel using the waste feedstock were presented and compared. Some properties of the feedstock, such as free fatty acid content and moisture content, were measured and evaluated. Biodiesel yield recovery obtained, from Base-transesterification process about 92%. Produced Biodiesel specifications were also analyzed and discussed in Base-transesterification process. Kinematic viscosity of biodiesel was found to be 5.51 mm2·s?1 at 40?C, the flash point was 174.2?C and Cetane No of 48.19. Biodiesel was characterized by its physical and fuel properties according to ASTM and DIN V 51606 standards.

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B. K. Abdalla, and F. O. A. Oshaik, (2013) Base-transesterification process for biodiesel fuel production from spent frying oils. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 85-88. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.49B015.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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