Design and Implementation of a Multi-Sensor Based Object Detecting and Removing Autonomous Robot Exploration System ()
Fan Wu,
Johnathan Williams
Computer Science Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, USA.
Electrical Engineering Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL, USA.
DOI: 10.4236/jcc.2014.27002
Developing autonomous mobile robot system
has been a hot topic in AI area. With recent advances in technology, autonomous
robots are attracting more and more attention worldwide, and there are a lot of
ongoing research and development activities in both industry and academia. In
complex ground environment, obstacles positions are uncertain. Path finding for
robots in such environment is very hot issues currently. In this paper, we
present the design and implementation of a multi-sensor based object detecting
and moving autonomous robot exploration system, 4RE, with the VEX robotics
design system. With the goals of object detecting and removing in complex
ground environment with different obstacles, a novel object detecting and
removing algorithms is proposed and implemented. Experimental results indicate
that our robot system with our object detecting and removing algorithm can
effectively detect the obstacles on the path and remove them in complex ground
environment and avoid collision with the obstacles.
Share and Cite:
Wu, F. and Williams, J. (2014) Design and Implementation of a Multi-Sensor Based Object Detecting and Removing Autonomous Robot Exploration System.
Journal of Computer and Communications,
2, 8-16. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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