Mediastinal Masses: Pathophysiological Issues and Management Challenges in a Developing World
Martins O Thomas, Ezekiel O Ogunleye
DOI: 10.4236/ss.2011.24047   PDF    HTML     5,706 Downloads   8,849 Views   Citations


Context: Mediastinal masses occur worldwide. Compartmental occurrence and pathological variants vary widely, hence, the need for more studies. AIM: The study was conducted to further shed light on patho-physiological and current management challenges on mediastinal masses. Settings and Design: It was a pro-spective hospital based study spanning a period of 5 years. Methods and Materials: We gathered patients in series noting their ages and sex, presenting symptoms, investigation reports, treatment modalities and associ-ated postoperative complications. Statistical Analysis Used: Data was analysed manually looking at fre-quency distribution, correlation of malignancy with compartment involved and duration of symptoms against incidence of malignancy. Results: We saw 38 patients with significant male preponderance. Most tumours were in anterior mediastinum and population distribution was leptokurtic. Conclusions: Population distribu-tion of mediastinal masses is leptokurtic. The second to the fourth decades of life are mostly There was no correlation between occurrence of malignancy and the mediastinal compartment involved. Occurrence of malignancy had no bearing with duration of symptoms. affected. Most benign tumours are symptomatic and duration of symptoms is not discriminatory between benign and malignant variants. There is no correlation between occurrence of malignancy and the mediastinal compartment involved and occurrence of malignancy had no bearing with duration of symptoms.

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M. Thomas and E. Ogunleye, "Mediastinal Masses: Pathophysiological Issues and Management Challenges in a Developing World," Surgical Science, Vol. 2 No. 4, 2011, pp. 212-214. doi: 10.4236/ss.2011.24047.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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