Management of Intracranial Complications of Sinusitis


Intracranial complications of sinusitis are rare. However, they have an important morbidity and mortality rate, and can be a source of disabling neurological sequelae in the absence of a rapid diagnosis and adequate treatment. We carry a retrospective study of 23 patients having sinusitis with intracranial complications, treated between 1996 and 2011. All patients underwent complete ENT and neurological examination, biological investigations and sinonasal and cerebral CT. An intraveinous large-spectrum antibiotherapy was administered to all patients. Twenty patients underwent surgery. It included evacuation of the intracranial collection, sinus drainage, with or without cranialization of the frontal sinus. Evolution was assessed on clinical biological and radiological criteria. Mean age was 25 years and sex-ratio was 3.6. Neurological signs were the most frequent symptoms. Rhinological signs were essentially purulent rhinorrhea (14 cases) and nasal obstruction (12 cases). Nasal endoscopy showed pus in the middle meatus in 10 cases. On CT, intracranial complications included subdural empyema (11 cases), extradural empyema (7 cases) and brain abscess (5 cases). Associated cerebral thrombophlebitis was noted in 4 cases. Three patients with extradural empyema had had an exclusive medical treatment. All other patients (20 cases) were operated. Clinical and radiological evolution was favorable after initial treatment in 14 cases (60.8%). Six patients required secondary surgery. Two patients have died despite intensive care. The intracranial complications of sinusitis are serious and source of important morbidity and mortality. Management should rapid and adequate, combining effective antibiotic therapy and eventually neurosurgical treatment.

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Khamassi, K. , Mahfoudhi, M. , Yahia, A. , Moussa, N. , Halila, N. , Boubaker, A. , Bougacha, L. , Lahiani, R. and Salah, M. (2015) Management of Intracranial Complications of Sinusitis. Open Journal of Clinical Diagnostics, 5, 86-95. doi: 10.4236/ojcd.2015.52016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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