Comparison and Design of Decoder in B3G Mobile Communication System
Mingxiang GUAN, Mingchuan YANG
DOI: 10.4236/cn.2009.11003   PDF    HTML     5,327 Downloads   9,667 Views   Citations


Turbo code has been shown to have ability to achieve performance that is close to Shannon limit. It has been adopted by various commercial communication systems. Both universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) TDD and FDD have also employed turbo code as the error correction coding scheme. It outperforms convolutional code in large block size, but because of its time delay, it is often only used in the non-real-time service. In this paper, we discuss the encoder and decoder structure of turbo code in B3G mobile communication System. In addition, various decoding techniques, such as the Log-MAP, Max-log-MAP and SOVA algorithm for non-real-time service are deduced and compared. The performance results of decoder and algorithms in different configurations are also shown.

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GUAN, M. and YANG, M. (2009) Comparison and Design of Decoder in B3G Mobile Communication System. Communications and Network, 1, 20-24. doi: 10.4236/cn.2009.11003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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