Research Comparing University Teaching within the EHEA between the University CEU Cardenal Herrera in Spain and the University of Bedfordshire in England


Teaching methodologies that university faculty use are varied but in Spain, traditionally, the lecture has been the main method used. This is where the teacher has been the focus of teaching and the student is a mere receiver of knowledge, but in other places such as England, other techniques have been introduced to help students actively participate, helping the learning process significantly. This has been a great help for adaptation to the European Higher Education Area with the implementation of the Bologna Process. That is why countries with long traditions of theoretical teaching, as is the case in Spain, have undergone a complex and traumatic process during the adaptation period. In Spain there has been a change of roles by both the faculty as well as the students and that has led to some mistakes when implementing new working tools such as seminars and workshops. The research presented makes a comparison between the faculty teaching in the Primary School Teaching Degrees at two universities; one Spanish and one English, for the Bologna process to check the similarities and differences when working and thereby obtain information needed to improve the process in Spain.

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López, A. , Ochando, H. and Cabezas, M. (2015) Research Comparing University Teaching within the EHEA between the University CEU Cardenal Herrera in Spain and the University of Bedfordshire in England. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 3, 250-261. doi: 10.4236/jss.2015.311030.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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