Development of Technical Reintroduction and Population Monitoring of Radiated Tortoises Astrochelys radiata in Southern Madagascar: Ampotaka


Ecological followed previous reintroductions of 262 juvenile Astrochelys radiata in the sacred forest Sirempo have revealed that individuals released directly without acclimatization left the site at 98%. The local habitat fulfilled all the conditions necessary for the development and survival of the species, and this site was recognized as distribution range of the species, but with a population whose abundance to decline over the last ten years. The research project “Development of Technical Reintroduction and Population Monitoring of Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata) in Southern Madagascar: Ampotaka” in a pre-identified natural environment conducive to their growth will preserve their viability, and predetermine site fidelity through an acclimation period before release. Realizing monitoring contributes to restoring self-sustaining populations in the wild, in cooperation and harmony with the manners and customs, and in trying to follow as much as possible the rigorous procedures already recognized by IUCN to prevent the transmission of diseases to wild populations and/or to prevent genetic mixing of different subpopulations in order not to endanger wild populations.

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Randrianjafizanaka, S. (2014) Development of Technical Reintroduction and Population Monitoring of Radiated Tortoises Astrochelys radiata in Southern Madagascar: Ampotaka. Open Access Library Journal, 1, 1-8. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1100279.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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