Education, Science and Governance for Sustainable Development: Change of Paradigms


The main challenges to the sustainable development of humanity were identified and ways to win those challenges proposed, by changing the key concepts in education, science and governance. We conclude that urgent measures should be implemented to avoid the impending catastrophe.

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Khmelinskii, I. and Stallinga, P. (2020) Education, Science and Governance for Sustainable Development: Change of Paradigms. Open Access Library Journal, 7, 1-13. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1106124.

1. Challenges to Sustainability

We classify challenges to sustainability into political/economical, industrial/ecologic, scientific/technological, and social/educational groups. The first two groups have led us to a deadlock in economic and industrial development and originate in capitalism. Accumulation and concentration of capital since 1947 are well documented (Piketty), while the Marxian crisis of overproduction has only been avoided by abolishing the gold standard and introducing fiat money. For refinancing debt, capitalism requires exponential growth, unsustainable with finite resources. Modern sustainability took market expansion via military conflicts and assimilation of the ex-Soviet block. Possible long-term solutions to the problems caused by capitalism go through large-scale military conflicts accompanied by destruction of capital, or through substitution of capitalism by planned socialist economic organization that does not require exponential economic growth.

The other two groups that we shall discuss here in more detail have lead us to a deadlock in the scientific and human development and originate in profanation of education by eliminating abstract thinking, and grant-based financing strangulating science into the dead end of socially justified applied research of economic and technological importance. Thus, there have been no breakthrough life-changing discoveries in 70 years since the transistor had been invented. The intellectual resources are wasted in producing erratic results with the only purpose of improving publication records. Flourishing pseudoscience studies pseudo-problems such as “global warming”, spawning grantees with uncountable papers, irreproducible results and unfounded conclusions. Socially redefined science, instead of looking for scientific truth, seeks to confirm politically correct ideas. This, however, is an impossible task, as theories may only be rejected, but never confirmed. Indeed, there may always be alternative explanations to our observations, of which we are unaware at our current state of knowledge.

2. No Progress in Higher Education and Science

Considering preparation of future scientists―because today we are only preparing engineers―we underline the necessity of developing abstract thinking in students. This requires the process of memorizing the definitions, laws, properties, and everything else that the schoolchildren and students learned and knew before the education in developed countries had been remodeled according to the American concept of “critical, creative and independent thinking”. Therefore, there is an urgent need to revise the educational paradigms, starting from the primary school and finishing with PhD courses. We need to reintroduce the concept tested by centuries of educational experience: “memorize first, understand after” [1], which is the key to all of the abstract knowledge. Arguably, higher education is needed only for abstract knowledge, and is completely subverted for a vast majority of contemporary students [1].

The entire concept of sustainable development promoted by the UN is based on the pseudoscience of global warming, publicized for decades by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) [2] [3] with active collaboration of media, governments, non-governmental ecological organizations, and of the institutionally corrupt opportunists that constitute the dominant majority of the researches studying climate-related topics. However, the global warming ideas have no scientific foundation, because the climate assessment reports are being prepared by IPCC according to an administrative management model. Namely, they select, out of all publications, scientific or not, only those that agree with the conclusions, previously prepared by their management, and use only those publications in preparation of their reports.

This administrative approach is diametrically opposite to the scientific approach, which collects all of the reasonable hypotheses capable of explaining the observed phenomena, and seeks to eliminate some of those hypotheses, based on scientific publications. The surviving hypotheses thus represent our current state of knowledge, and may be used to elaborate conclusions and recommendations. However, the logically erroneous IPCC approach may only produce erroneous conclusions, as confirmed by the material scientific truth [4] [5] [6] [7]. Therefore, any and all of IPCC recommendations, conclusions or scenarios, politically correct as they may be, are scientifically null and void, and should be expressly ignored as fake news and propaganda. Therefore, the common-sense ideas of the need to save our planet from the anthropogenic climate change are merely the product of the 30-year publicity campaign conducted by the IPCC. They are so blatant that even confess to scientific malpractice, admitting that they knew the conclusions of their global warming hypothesis from the start of their salaried existence [8] [9].

Apart from the fundamental logical errors, we point out multiple instances of research misconduct as defined e.g. by the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity [10] : “… changing, omitting or suppressing data or results without justification …” namely, IPCC has been purposefully ignoring any and all of the scientific publications whose results or conclusions are incompatible with the dogmas promoted by the very IPCC [2] [3]. Indeed, they have ignored our (I.K.) report, citing two published scientific papers, and submitted to IPCC in the process of preparation of the Draft of their Fifth Assessment Report, where we concluded for the scientifically fraudulent nature of the said Fifth Report, and recommended that it should be suppressed in its entirety [11]. Needless to say, the IPCC Fifth report had been published without any major changes.

3. IPCC and Global Food Security

Wrongly identified problems require wrong solutions, counter-productive and creating serious risks to food security on the global scale. Indeed, the reduction in solar activity caused by the Grand Solar Minimum that will last for the larger part of this century is causing a reduction in the solar magnetic fields, which make up a shield against galactic cosmic rays. These galactic rays, constituted by elementary particles of extremely high energies, can now reach Earth much easier and in larger numbers, and create condensation centers in the atmosphere, increasing the cloud cover and reducing surface temperatures. Simultaneously, they create defects in the crystal structure of solid rocks, reducing their strength and promoting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. We therefore expect that the ongoing Grand Solar Minimum will reduce global temperature and insolation, which will negatively affect agricultural and natural productivity during this century [5] [6]. These negative effects may be multiplied by dust sent up into the atmosphere by a catastrophic eruption, much more probable during the same period, see Figure 1 for the explanation of the mechanisms involved.

Figure 1. The main interactions of the climate system with the biosphere, and the human contributions to the eventual hunger apocalypse, in red: a) Decarbonizing the economy, to reduce atmospheric CO2, global temperature, and battle against the “global warming/climate change/climate emergency”, according to the IPCC pseudoscience b) Engineering of nature, to increase atmospheric aerosols, reduce the amount of solar light that reaches Earth surface, and once more combat the “global warming”. The lowest solar activity in the ongoing Grand Solar Minimum will be reached around 2040, thus the maximum probability of a catastrophic eruption coincides in time with the planned decarbonization of global economy.

Note that such a catastrophic eruption had been documented during a previous Grand Solar Minimum (Dalton minimum), namely that of the Tambora volcano, which eliminated the summer of 1816 in the Northern Hemisphere, destroying crops and causing hunger [12]. Similar volcanic events had happened in more distant past; one of these included two separate eruptions of AD 536 and 540, resulting in the Justinian Plague, which combined with hunger, causing over 100 million of deaths out of the much smaller population of those times, and changing the course of history [13]. Indeed, even the description of the Apocalypse in the Bible (Mathew 24:29; Apocalypse 6:8, 6:12) mentions Sun and Moon becoming dark or invisible, volcanic eruptions, hunger and disease. Much more recently, the eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in 1991, is still slowing down accumulation of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) due to persistent atmospheric aerosols, and thus affecting our climate even 30 years after [5].

Therefore, the only effective approach to reducing the risks of this scenario, which can result in a hunger apocalypse on the global scale, is a fast and significant increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide during the following 20 years, as a means to accelerate the photosynthesis and improve the biologic productivity, counterbalancing the effects of temperature and solar luminosity reductions due to the Grand Solar Minimum and an eventual catastrophic eruption. Given the extra productivity, we would be able to build strategic reserves of food, necessary to survive the possible catastrophic eruption. This is contrary to the current EU policies directed at shutting down agricultural production in order to reduce its ecological impact [14]. In the meantime, IPCC is obsessively insisting on the reduction in the fossil fuel consumption [2], which increases the risks to the global food security during this century, with a high probability of hunger apocalypse. Our lower estimate of these risks is about 20%, based on the known number of Grand Solar Minima accompanied by catastrophic eruptions during the last 2000 years.

4. Institutionally Corrupt Science

Well, if the climate problem was indeed real, why would it be necessary to manipulate the scientific data in order to convince the general public of its existence? For example, the US climate data, before being manipulated, demonstrated a very small cooling during the XX century, which had been transformed into a warming, after applying certain unjustified “corrections”. This data tampering is illustrated by the plot in Figure 2 that shows the difference between the official average temperature in the US during the 20th century, and the average temperatures actually measured during the same period. To illustrate the origins of the apparent warming in the US, these “corrections” are plotted in function of the concentration of the atmospheric CO2―thus, the entire US warming in the last century is a product of data tampering, and not of measurements. Numerous similar manipulations are continuously done all over the world by institutionally corrupt climate “scientists”, as evident in the example from Netherlands, where several strong heat waves have been inexplicably erased from the past climate history [15].

Contrary to other areas of human activity, where similar behavior constitutes a criminal offence, the scientific data may be falsified without any legal responsibility, as there are no means of enforcement in the Codes of Conduct [10]. At

Figure 2. Temperature “corrections” applied to the historic US weather data for the XX century exceed (!) the value of global warming that has allegedly happened during the same period [16] [17] [18] [19]. Difference between corrected and uncorrected average temperatures is plotted in function of the atmospheric CO2 concentration, demonstrating that CO2-dependent warming in US has in fact resulted from the corrections, whereas only cooling existed in the original data.

the same time, any attempts to scrutinize the IPCC dogmas are being unconditionally suppressed [20]. On the other hand, notwithstanding the increasingly grave predictions emitted by IPCC every 5 years, there has been no warming to speak of since the beginning of this century. Therefore, IPCC pseudoscience has repeatedly failed to correctly predict the behavior of our climate system for the past 30 years, as it should have become warmer by over 1˚C during this time [2] [3]. Remarkably, these recurrent failures have not undermined the governmental trust in IPCC even slightly, resulting in new climate agreements recently signed.

On the other hand, according to the Grand Solar Minimum theory, the global temperatures will be going down during this century, independently of the atmospheric greenhouse gases, and independently of the human efforts to reduce their emissions, which include the entirely ridiculous campaign against human consumption of beef in order to reduce the emissions of methane.

5. Journalism of Disinformation and Climate Totalitarianism

The pseudoscientific concepts of “global warming” and “climate change”, recently transformed into “climate emergency” [21], have been promoted in an all-out climate hysteria by media, educational systems and politicians during the last 30 years. Its pseudoscientific character is already evident in the general approach used by the media in their news about weather events: everything that happens is announced to be a consequence of the “climatic emergency”, be it an inundation, a draught, weather warmer than usual, weather colder than usual, more snow, cold weather in summer, warm weather in winter, and everything else one could imagine. As far as possible, the news are filtered, and those news that might cause doubts in the concept are not circulated at all, such as the absolute records of cold in the entire US territory during the winter of 2018-2019 that were silenced by the European media. Even if the less favourite news do come to light, it is invariably mentioned that they are an indicator of the growing “instability” of weather, caused by the global warming.

This latter idea has been debunked by us as fake, in an interview to Portuguese TV some 10 years ago. Indeed, assuming that the global warming is indeed caused by the atmospheric CO2, this warming should be stronger in the polar and temperate zones, as opposed to the equatorial zone, where the greenhouse effect is already very much saturated, due to presence of large amounts of water vapour in the tropical atmosphere. Therefore, the alleged global warming will reduce, and not increase, the temperature difference between the cold zones and the warm zones of our planet, reducing the intensity of winds that transport heat from the warm zones to the cold zones, and thus necessarily reducing the intensity of the storms, hurricanes, tornadoes and all other weather events that may have undesirable consequences to the health and well-being of human populations.

Thus, media and journalists have been producing and circulating fake news even about such simple things as the weather outside our window, in their attempt to make us accept IPCC pseudoscience for the scientific truth. They have been circulating propaganda materials, instead of approaching the respective news critically and offering alternative explanations to the general population, as journalists should when they do see fake news. Thus, the role of journalism has been reversed, from finding incongruence and lies in the governmental discourse, to aiding and abetting climate totalitarians in their struggle for power on global scale. Simultaneously, the new generations have been pre-programmed at school, since very early age, to accept “climate change” as the critically important scientific truth, and volunteer their help for furthering these lies and convincing their peers, and their parents and grandparents who might still be sceptical.

Therefore, we shall only be able to guarantee sustainable development of humanity in this century by rejecting IPCC climate propaganda, denouncing climate treaties, shutting down IPCC and promoting large-scale usage of fossil fuels, in order to increase the biologic productivity of agriculture and of the entire biosphere. The money saved on the discontinued decarbonisation programs should be used to build up multiyear strategic reserves of food in countries that have means to accomplish that, and to improve the self-sufficiency of the needy populations in poor countries, first of all in Africa, where 10 to 20 million people die annually from hunger and illness caused by food insufficiencies.

This way we shall be able to mitigate the reduction in biologic productivity caused by reduction in temperature and luminous intensity, caused by the reduction of the solar activity during the Grand Solar Minimum. We would also be prepared for the loss of all or a large part of the natural produce during the volcanic winter of several years, which could result from a catastrophic eruption. Note that at this time the anthropogenic CO2 has already increased the biologic productivity by 19% [5] [6], providing free of charge additional consumer value in agriculture and natural products. This increment was worth 635 billion dollars in 2017 only on the global scale, of which Portugal received over 790 million dollars, and will be lost if we manage to reduce atmospheric CO2 back to pre-industrial levels. Figure 1 shows the main interactions between the natural factors, and the human actions that are contributing to the increased risk of hunger apocalypse. A catastrophic volcanic eruption would cause an immediate halt to the decarbonized economy, as the renewable energies can’t be produced during a multi-year winter―no rain and no water in rivers and dams, not much sunlight for photovoltaics due to cloud cover and atmospheric dust, and little wind in a stably cold weather for the windmills,―while other sources of energy (coal, oil and gas; nuclear) would already be discontinued 20 years from now, for the reasons of fighting the fake “climate emergency”. Mass extinction from hunger, illness and cold is thus to be expected in this IPCC-programmed future, on global scale and even in the developed countries.

6. Conclusions: Reforms Are Urgent

The inherent professional incompetence of politicians, caused by their special psychiatric condition, creates an extremely serious psychosocial problem [22]. In the vast majority of cases, the members of political class are sociopaths, who self-identify themselves as exceptionally excellent persons. Therefore, they lack a critical appreciation of their own personality, and of their decisions and actions. They are equally unable to receive advice from experts when such advice goes against their own ideas, nor to critically assess the advice when it does agree with their ideas. All of the discussions therefore become biased from the onset, with the results that do not depend of the opinions of qualified independent experts, but instead on the public opinion formed up by the pressure of media, and which may be directly opposing the material and scientific truth. These people do not have what Christianity defines as a soul, or else, they have no conscience, no capacity of compassion, and no moral foundations that the remaining 96% of the population consider obvious and self-evident, and therefore attribute by default to the sociopathic politicians. These are people “unhappy because their neighbour is happy”, only satisfied when they make others to suffer. Naturally, to implement their crazy ideas―as others don’t enter their sociopathic brains―they are very well capable of sacrificing their country, their people, and even their own family. Apart from that they have an urge to control the events, therefore, they insist on defining the agenda, however, maniac it would be, or otherwise just lie compulsively, or else they would not control the situation, being controlled by it instead.

Therefore, global governance via professional politicians is unable to adapt to the circumstances existing in the global community, and should be substituted, for example, by a virtual global government, where the decisions of national and international scale will be taken online by people themselves, using block-chain technology. We need to be working seriously on the really existing global problems, as the existing governance system leads us to the collapse of our civilization on a 20-year time scale. Given the proliferation of means of communication and social networks, such governance is capable of being much more efficient and moral, compared to the currently existing UN system employing professional politicians. The existing system can at best maintain the status quo, with permanent stagnation in the resolution of even the most urgent problems, such as hunger in Africa―as the permanence of problems guarantees the permanence of warm and lucrative places for the soulless and corrupt politicians. For example, Frans Timmermans, who was almost elected EU President, was recorded saying to one of his colleagues in the Dutch government, “… you should not solve problems, if you don’t, then you can use them for much more time!”


Our predictions of the volcanic hunger apocalypse are probabilistic, as the strength and dates of volcanic eruptions are not predictable. Strong eruptions are more probable during a Grand Solar Minimum, which will enter in full by 2040. Our conclusions on the IPCC climate reports being scientifically null and void are based on common logic and therefore correct. IPCC organization being fundamentally flawed their policy recommendations should be ignored, and their existence discontinued. The idea of virtual global government requires further development.


This research was financed by no grant. I. K. thanks Tatiana Smetanina for useful discussions and encouragement.

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The authors are the only persons solely responsible for the contents of this paper, and not their employees, governments, or any other persons or organizations.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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