Study of physisorption of volatile anesthetics on phos-pholipid monolayers using a highly sensitive quartz crystal microbalance (HS-QCM)
Yasushi Yamamoto, Zameer Shervani, Takatsugu Shimoaki, Daisuke Yoshida, Takashi Yokoyama, Tadayoshi Yoshida, Keijiro Taga, Hiroshi Kamaya, Issaku Ueda
Physisorption; Phospholipid Monolayers; Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM); Anesthetic Hydrate; Monolayer-Water Interface
Journal of Biophysical Chemistry,
Vol.2 No.2,
ABSTRACT: We have investigated the interactions between phospholipid monolayers and volatile anest-hatics. Two monolayers (dihexadecyl phosphate (DHP) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC) and two anesthetics (halothane and enflurane) were used to observe these interac-tions using a highly sensitive quartz crystal microbalance (HS-QCM). The concentration of each anesthetic in aqueous solution was kept at 4 mM. The frequency of QCM showed no change when halothane was added to the DHP monolayer, however, it responded and de-creased when interaction occurred with DPPC monolayer. In case of enflurane addition the frequency decreased in both the monolayers of DHP and DPPC. The frequency change followed the following order of monolayer-anesthetic interactions: DHP-halothane