Computing Dark Energy and Ordinary Energy of the Cosmos as a Double Eigenvalue Problem
Mohamed S. El Naschie
Double Eigenvalues, Weyl Scaling, Magueijo-Smolin Energy Formula, Dark Energy, Einstein’s Relativity, E-Infinity Theory
Journal of Modern Physics,
Vol.6 No.4,
ABSTRACT: We compute the dark energy and ordinary energy density of the cosmos as a
double Eigenvalue problem. In addition, we validate the result using two
different theories. The first theory is based on Witten’s 11 dimensional
spacetime and the second is based on ‘tHooft’s fractal renormalization spacetime.
In all cases, the robust result is E(O) = mc2/22 for ordinary energy
and E(D) = mc2(21/22) for dark energy. Adding E(O) to E(D) we obtain
Einstein’s famous equation which confirms special relativity, although it adds
a quantum twist to its interpretation. This new interpretation is vital because
it brings relativity theory in line with modern cosmological measurements and
observations. In particular, we replace calculus by Weyl scaling in all
computation which is essentially transfinite discrete.