From Traditional Management of Mental Illness to Self-Mutilation of the Penile: A Case Report
Barnabé Zango, Fasnéwindé A. Kaboré, Moussa Kaboré, Bienvenue D. Ky, Richard W. Ouédraogo, Brahima Kirakoya, Clôtaire Alexis Marie Kiemdiba Donega Yameogo, Kabré Kabré, Adama Sanou
Self-Mutilation, Penile, Schizophrenia, Reconstruction
Open Journal of Urology,
Vol.6 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Self-mutilation of the
external genitalia is rare. It occurs most often on a psychotic ground. Case
Report: Mr. P.O. 25-year-old, a dress maker, admitted to the urological
emergency for self-section of the penile. The patient had cut his penile with a
razor blade and the amputated distal extremity had been thrown in the water
closet. The patient was admitted 19 hours after the act of self-harm. Clinical
examination had found a stable hemodynamic status, a section of the penile at
its root. Psychiatrically schizophrenia evolving for 08 months was diagnosed.
An attempt of penile reconstruction was performed. The patient benefited serum
and tetanus vaccine, antibiotic and neuroleptics. The parents asked to go
home against medical advice the 5th day. Conclusion: The management of
self-mutilation of external genitalia is multidisciplinary including surgery
and psychiatry.