A Novel Information Security Scheme for E-Learning Infrastructure Success Based on TRI Model
Yassine Khlifi, Adel Bessadok
E-Learning Platform, TRI Model, Security Requirements, E-Learning Infrastructure Success, Information Security Management
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.2 No.4,
The fast growth of
the Internet proposes and offers several new applications and advanced services
that has greatly and quickly innovated the educational environment. The
platform of e-learning represents an attractive educational field where the
acceptance or utilization progresses and more and more people are taking
courses or training using this technology. Mainly, e-learning platform exploits
Internet infrastructure which became location for illegal events and actions, especially
exposed to several kinds of threats or attacks. Furthermore, most of e-learning
platforms are designed without taking into account security concerns. In this
paper, we present e-learning environment, especially characteristics,
development, growth, benefits and challenges. We also discussed and used TRI
(Technology Readiness Index) which is considered a widely accepted metric for
studying the behavior process behind the utilization of technological products
and services. The results of the conducted TRI study demonstrate the need for a
security scheme that incorporates students’ behaviors and requirements for
improving e-learning usage. For this reason, we develop a new security scheme
that combines the use of information service management (ISM) and a hybrid
algorithm for guaranteeing the needed security requirements. Finally, we demonstrate
that our proposal can guarantee the suitable environment which provides
students’ satisfaction and acceptance as well as e-leaning success.