Pattern and Management of Neural Tube Defect in Cameroon
Mathieu Motah, Mireille Moumi, Aurélien Ndoumbe, Clerence Ntieafac, Vincent De Paul Djienctheu
Neural Tube Defects, Myelomeningocele, Cameroon
Open Journal of Modern Neurosurgery,
Vol.7 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Objectives: The aim of study was to determine the pattern and management of neural
tube defects (NTD). Methodology: It was a hospital based descriptive
cross-sectional retrospective study on patients who consulted and/or were admitted
at the Douala General hospital for neural tube defects from January 2005 to
April 2015. Results: A total of forty-nine (49) patients were enrolled. Males
constituted 59.8% and females 40.2% giving a sex ratio of 1.5 in favour of
males. Most of the parents of the patients (71.5%) had a low socio-economic
status. Myelomeningocele was the most common type (80.4%) followed by 17.4%
cases of meningocele and 2.2% cases of lipomeningocele. Three cases (3) of
encephaloceles were seen during this period. The commonest site of these
defects was the lumbosacral region (47.8%). Other sites included lumbar (19;
41.3%), sacral (3; 6.5%) and thoracolumbar (2; 4.3%) ones. About half of the
patients (24; 48.9%) presented with ruptured lesions. Hydrocephalus was also recorded
in 65.3% of patients. Talipes equinovarus and talipes calcaneovalgus
were the most common associated orthopedic birth defects found. Surgical closure
was done for 44 (89.9%) patients. Ventriculoperitoneal shunting was done in
78.1% of those who presented with hydrocephalus. Post-operative complications
were more frequent in patients with ruptured lesions (P = 0.001). The most common
post-operative complications were wound infections (22; 44.9%) and wound
dehiscence (20; 40.8%). Conclusion: Lumbosacral Myelomeningocele was the
most common type of NTD in our region. Low socio-economic status was a common
risk factor.