A Phytosociological of Plant Communities and Biodiversity in the East-South of Idna Village-Hebron of Palestine
Jehad M. H. Ighbareyeh, Eusebio Cano Carmona
Palestine, Phytosociology, Idna, Abu Salman Forest Reserve, Vegetation, Biodiversity, Flora
International Journal of Geosciences,
Vol.9 No.1,
This paper presents a floristic and vegetation study of the territories of the
Idna-Hebron of Palestine, corresponding to one area with three different
names as Abu Salman Forest Reserve, Khallet Osman mountains, and Hamra
Aslimi. These sites are very important at a local level of the flora with a high
endemic rate. The floristic analysis revealed the existence of 48 species, of
which 10 (20.83%) are endemic endemic. Seventeen plots of vegetation distributed
in one area dominated and have been analyzed in this study. Methodology,
the phytosociological approach is based on the Braun-Blanquet method.
The results revealed three different kinds of forests, one dominated by
the endemic Pino halepensis-Quercetum lookii, which is peculiar to the
inframediterranean dry-thermomediterranean environments, with the terra
rossa and brown rendzinas territory. The second type of forest is dominated
by the Pistacio palaestinae-Ceratonietum silique, which is growing in the
dry-subhumid ombrotype and the terra rossa and brown rendzinas territory.
The third group of the forest of Khallet Osman and Hamra Aslimi dominated
by Quercus lookii-Tamaricetum palestineae. Finally, in this study there are
three associations and tow alliances are proposed as new Syntaxa based on
statistical and phytosociological analyses in the study area.