A Three-Dimensional Performance Measurement Model for Cloud Computing
Luis Eduardo Bautista Villalpando, Alain Abran, Anderson Ravanello, Arturo Elías Ramírez
Cloud Computing, Performance, Measurement, Model, Services, Maintenance, QoS, SLA
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
Vol.11 No.5,
ABSTRACT: New paradigms for processing and storing data such as cloud computing require new approaches for the measurement of cloud service performance. To establish a Service Level Agreement (SLA) between a cloud service provider and its customers, the cloud services and their service level objectives need to be identified. An additional challenge in the performance measurement of cloud services is the lack of models that integrate the different perspectives of providers, maintainers and customers within the same model in order to define the concepts commonly used in cloud SLA contracts. This work proposes a three-dimensional Performance Measurement Model for Cloud Computing (P2M2C-3D) which consolidates performance measurement from the perspectives of providers, maintainers and customers for the different types of cloud services.