Production, Growth and International Competitiveness of Mexican Honey
Danae Duana Avila, Karina Valencia Sandoval, Ma. Del Rosario García Velázquez, Enrique Vázquez Fernández
Economic Globalization, Apiculture Sector, Competitiveness Analysis
Advances in Applied Sociology,
Vol.9 No.5,
ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to analyze the competitiveness and participation that the main honey exporting countries have, and their behavior in the global market, opening the way to other emergent economies in the international blocks battle and the economic globalization. The American study case is shown because it is the main buyer and for the importance that its providers have in the commercial balance, contrasting the competitive performance between Mexico and its competitors using the competitiveness of exportations in the market method for the 2001-2006 period. The national importance of the exportations to the American market of the apiculture sector for Mexico during the last 16 years is approached in the first section; in the second section it is shown how apiculture has developed internationally using a disclosed advantage index, in the third section the behavior of exportations and importations is shown, and finally a competitiveness analysis is made using the constant market participation analysis method (CMPAM).