High-Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Teenagers with Esophageal Atresia
Cecilia Zubiri, Rosa Ramos, Cecilia Curvale, Raúl Matanó, Roman Bigliardi, Paula Borobia, Anabella Zosi, Verónica Garrido, Julieta Hernández, Lucía Gutierrez, Luciana Guzmán, María Cristina Arregui, Marina Prozzi, Sandro Miculan, Viviana Bernedo, Maximiliano Fernández Rivas, Cristina Lorenzo, Florencia Recalde, Verónica Valdiviezo, Darío Fajre, Cintia Antonioli, Mariana Allende, Claudia Losada, Teresita Gonzalez
High-Resolution Manometry, Esophageal Atresia, Teenagers
Open Journal of Epidemiology,
Vol.10 No.1,
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Children with surgically repaired esophageal atresia (EA) show esophageal dysmotility. Due to the performance of high-resolution manometry (HRM), three motility alteration patterns have been described, which allowed to know the segmental alterations. Objective: To describe the esophageal motility patterns found through HRM in teenagers with EA and to relate these with the associated esophageal pathology and its severity. Materials and Method: Ten teenagers were included with no history of esophageal blockage or dilations in the last six months, who were orally fed and asymptomatic. Through performance of HRM, we found surgical and endoscopic history, as well as of esophageal biopsies and pH monitoring. Results: We found the following patterns: aperistalsis, pressurization and distal contraction. 70% showed distal contraction, and 100% of esophageal endoscopies and biopsies were normal. 57% of the esophageal pH monitoring analyzed was pathologic. In the pressurization and aperistalsis groups, we observed severe esophagitis and requirement of Nissen antireflux procedure in 100% of the cases. Esophageal pH monitoring analyzed was 100% pathologic. Conclusion: We described the esophageal segmental alterations in teenagers with atresia by means of HRM. The distal contraction group showed better development, without severe esophagitis or requirement of antireflux procedure. Therefore, by performing an HRM in teenagers with EA, we could predict the future esophageal behavior, according to the peristaltic pattern, since there are significant differences among the groups in study.