The Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 E6/E7 Genetic Variability in Jingjiang, Jiangsu Province, China
Xiaoyue Dai, Yunling Zhu, Wen Xia, Longkun Ding, Yue Xi, Liang Wu, Chengxue Yi
Human Papillomavirus, E6, E7, Gene Mutation, Phylogenetic Analysis
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines,
Vol.8 No.3,
ABSTRACT: Human papillomavirus 16 (HPV-16) is a major high-risk type causing cervical cancer. The E6 and E7 genes in HPV-16 are the major virulent genes in HPV, and we wanted to investigate the polymorphism of E6 and E7 genes of HPV-16 originated from Jingjiang, Jiangsu province. In research, HPV-16 sample was collected, and the E6 and E7 genes fragments were amplified by PCR assay. The sequences of E6 and E7 genes were used for phylogenetic analysis by Mega 5.0 software. By comparison, the major mutations of E6 gene were T178G (41.67%) and G658A (17%), as well as C58G, T61A and G188C (14%), T61C and C656A (11%). The mutation of E7 gene was mainly C491A and T935A (23%); G514C, G937C and G519C (11%). The 68 nucleotide site deficiency (69.4%) of E6 and 535 nucleotide site deficiency (23%) of E7 were dominant. In our study, we did not find the relevance between the E6 and E7 genes mutations and pathologic severity. But we think the E6 and E7 genes mutation of HPV-16 might affect vaccine prevention and treatment effect.