HPV-Positive Laryngeal Carcinomas: Epidemiological, Virological and Progressive Features
H. B. Otouana Dzon, G. C. Ngouoni, S. Diembi, G. W. Ondzotto, A. Tsierie-Tsoba, F. A. Itiere Odzili, G. Ondzotto
Larynx, Cancers, HPV, Brazzaville
Open Access Library Journal,
Vol.7 No.9,
Objective: The aim of this work was to determine the molecular prevalence of the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in carcinomas of the larynx and to identify its circulating genotypes. Patients and Methods: This was a descriptive, retrospective study of 20 years which included all the patients followed in otolaryngology department for laryngeal carcinoma. The virological analysis was done on the laryngeal biopsy pieces included in paraffin using the Gene Xpert technique. This technique uses real-time PCR to identify oncogenic HPV genotypes. Results: A total of 108 patients with laryngeal carcinomas were collected. Among them, 21 samples were associated with oncogenic HPV, a molecular prevalence of 19.4%. These were the HPV 18/45 (14.28%), HPV-16 (28.57%) and the group of HPVs with high oncogenic risk other than 18/45 and 16 (57.15%). All of these patients were male, mean age was 35.71 ± 3.17, and 85.7% of them were under 40 compared to patients with carcinomas not associated with HPV (p = 0.0003). Oral-genital contact was the main risk factor for contamination in all of these patients (p = 0.0002). The HPV-positive laryngeal carcinomas were all micro-invasive and the patients had better survival compared to those who had HPV-negative carcinomas (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: HPV-positive laryngeal carcinomas are most often observed in subjects under 40 years of age with good survival at 12 months. The circulating genotypes in Brazzaville are 16, 18/45 and the group of oncogenic HPVs other than 16 and 18/45.