Structure of the Star with Ideal Gases
Yingqiu Gu
Equation of State, Stellar Structure, Neutron Star, Singularity-Free Solution
Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology,
Vol.8 No.1,
ABSTRACT: In this paper, we calculate some structure functions of an idealized stellar model, which can be solved by the total mass and radius of a star. These functions have enlightening and pedagogical significance. We find that the equation of state of matter is decisive to the fate of a star. Only if the equation of state includes the driving effect of gravity on particles, then it satisfies some increasing and causal conditions and is compatible with Einstein’s field equation. In this case, we always have singularity-free balanced star, no matter how heavy the star is. Usually, we believe that the main factor determining the stellar structure is the pressure equilibrium of the thermonuclear reaction against gravity. But this opinion is inadequate. The calculation of this paper shows that, the pressure generated by the driving effect of gravity on particles is dominant.